Love And Peace Or Else Ringtones

106401 ringtones matching "Love And Peace Or Else". Here you can browse, listen and download Love And Peace Or Else Ringtones for free. Best Love And Peace Or Else Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Lay down Lay down Lay your sweet lovely on the ground Lay your love on the track We're gonna break the monster's back Lay down your treasure Lay it down now brother You don't have time For a jealous lover As you enter this life I pray you depart With a wrinkled face And a brand new heart I don't know if I can take it I'm not easy on my knees Here's my heart I let you break it I need some release, release, release. We need Love and peace Love and peace Lay down Lay down your guns All your daughters of Zion All your Abraham sons I don't know if I can make it I'm not easy on my knees Here's my heart I let you break it I need some release, release, release. We need Love and peace Love and peace Baby don't fight We can talk this thing through It's just me and you I'll call or you'll phone The TV is still on But the sound is turned down And the troops on the ground Are about to dig in And I wonder where is the love? Where is the love? Love and peace Where is the love? Where is the love? Where is the love?.
Some ah dem a say dat dem a bad man Some ah dem a say dat dem a dan Di other ress a dem a say a gun man Di other ress a dem bawl out dem a notch Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love I'm not afraid of your automatic! (one love) Neither afraid or respect your special! (we want love) If yuh even go tek up your big six pence And come to jump and drive over I fence (weh mi say?) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (hear what I say) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love I'm not afraid of your M16 Neither afraid of your bush master Because from your heart have war I know what you're after Come to destroy each and everyone (but yah hear mi) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (Peace within the hall) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (Come sista mek we rock) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (Sista pat sista pat) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Juss a while ago yuh throw yuh hand over mi shoulder I feel like fallin to bed (nuh bedtime yet though) When I tek a stop reggae music get red I've got to hop and skip and shake up I dread (weh mi say?) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (To everybody) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love All I need is the music to haul and pull up (right! right!) Mi nah boast off nar push up But reggae music get internationally Das why we have got to jump and sing musically Wha we a sing she?? Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love (Rock an come reggae) Peace and love inna di dancehall peace and love YA MAN!! [email protected]
Əlini ver, qucaqla məni, gör dalğalıdı dəniz Və səssiz ol, sus yanır ay, gedir bu yay iyun avqust may Və belə də küləklər şəhərin gəzir ancaq payız Xəyallar, doludu Bakı, neyniyim tufeyli beynim meyli Leylilər, zəng eləyir alo Hələ bu yol, taksilər şəhəri Saat 12 metro bağlı qatarı gözləyir depo Ləpələnir Xəzər dolur gəmilərlə liman Və inan nə Texas, nə London, nə Milan Nə Riqa nə Veqas amiqo riba riba Bir sinyorita Bakı gecələr şəhəri nida Sus, sakit ol, bil bu rock'n roll deyil Lakin oou rap funky soul Tupac və Rakim yo qələmə sakinlər Nə fame fucking girl yazırıq Bakı zor Bakı vağzalında əlvidalar qırır könül Gecə və gündüz kimidir insanlar Gedir geri dönür dirilib ölür Əsən küləklə bil, düşən yarpaq kimisən, ömür Bir əldə Kent, o biri əldə Heineken Kino və lent, film retro happy end Doludu mey qədəhlərdə,hamı kef Susur və seyr edir şəhəri vitrində maniken Süzür bu barmen martini nə çox nə də az Bu gün blues, country vəya da ki, Jazz Şəhər cavandı, var min ildə desək az Deyirik Fuck Armeni Bakı gözəl və saz şəhərdir Sus, sakit ol, bil bu Rock'n Roll deyil Lakin oou Rap funky soul Tupac və Rakim yo Qələmə sakinlər Nə fame fucking girl Yazırıq Bakı zor Gəl indi rəqs edək biz rumbo, tanqo, coco jambo Deyil bu Rihanna "Te Amo" Melodi funk, gitar deyil də piano Paster a.k.a. Nifrət hər kəs me amor Yazıbdı himn, min bu mahnı köhnəlməyib Seks, drug,drink kimidi rock'n roll bir dinləyin Bu mahnı ölər mi düzünü deyin Görün də ringtone yazmışam mən V.I.P Həyat bir risk, tez zamanda ölür hiss Eləmə playlist, bizi dinlə miss Sevgidən yazmıram mən, yazıram ancaq diss Səsimi eşidənlərə "Love and Peace" Sus, sakit ol, bil bu Rock'n Roll deyil Lakin oou Rap funky soul Tupac və Rakim yo Qələmə sakinlər Nə fame fucking girl Yazırıq Bakı zor Sus, sakit ol, bil bu Rock'n Roll deyil Lakin oou Rap funky soul Tupac və Rakim yo Qələmə sakinlər Nə fame fucking girl Yazırıq Bakı zor
L'adolescence est un coup d'vent qui arrache racines et bonne humeur Pour enfants ayant poussé trop longtemps sans tuteur Ils s'étaient connus dans un camp d'été Elle travaillait, prof de musique, lui, y torchait les fonds d'cuisine Ils s'sont aimés tout d'suite, c'tait l'coup d'foudre, à c'qu'y paraît L'émotion trouble la vision d'l'avenir qu'la raison promet Ils y croyaient, au bonheur d'se retrouver seuls Pis qu'la liberté doit s'vivre à tout prix, ils étaient jeunes Y avait dix-sept, elle avait seize, a v'nait d'une p'tite famille parfaite qui comprenait rien d'ses malaises D'son envie d'être autre chose qu'un produit d'idées toutes faites Faique est partie avec le rêve qu'on refait la mer étant gouttelettes Ils s'trouvent un p'tit appart dans l'Vieux-Québec Ça sent l'encens, ça lit Verlaine pis ça s'prend pour des poètes Ça rêve debout, ça marche nu-pieds, ça prend une force pour y arriver Tout l'monde s'en fout quand t'appliques sans scolarité Lui, y s'trouve une job en attendant, attendant quoi, y a rien qui bouge Quand tu bouges rien à part tes doigts pour t'faire un joint Y semble rêver qu'tout s'présente s'un plateau d'argent La vie est belle avec ceux qui foncent, mais cruelle face aux perdants Y fait la plonge dans l'fond d'un restaurant d'la rue Saint-Jean Tout reste faisable quand on a même pas eu vingt ans On vit d'passion, épris l'un d'l'autre avant d'être relâché Un embryon naîtra d'leurs corps entrelacés C'est un garçon, c'est l'espoir d'amener sa pierre à l'édifice L'espoir d'voir la Terre s'améliorer grâce à son fils Une mère comblée, un père qui essaie aussi d'l'être Mais y est atteint d'un mal que soigne aucun médecin ni aucun prêtre Y consomme trop, y en a plein l'dos d'être din cuisines Y déprime, rate une première tentative de suicide Pourtant, son père à lui s'tait noyé quand qu'y avait douze ans Qui aurait cru qu'y allait lui-même laisser tomber son propre enfant C'tait l'époque des marguerites dans les cheveux longs C'que les gens disaient d'faire, on oubliait souvent qu'peu l'font Révolution d'l'amour, j'en suis un fruit prématuré Un goût amer, j'en ai gardé, venant d'un père prêt à s'tuer "Peace and love" écrit s'es murs D'ma chambre avec d'la cire de chandelle multicolore J'trouverai la mort au centre d'mes soldats, d'mes dinosaures Révolution tranquille, c'qui restait d'famille prendra l'bord Révolution sexuelle, jamais l'histoire avait connue une telle Démocratisation d'corps nus, s'libérer l'fion chez l'inconnu Pis quand qu'une femme vient d'accoucher, ça devient compliqué d'la toucher Faique lui, y va voir ailleurs, mais y est trop cave pour l'camoufler Elle l'apprend, elle est brisée Elle arrive pas à faire autrement que d'plier ses bagages Elle l'aime encore, mais impossible qu'elle partage Le corps d'son homme avec une pute de passage Elle s'en va vivre avec le p'tit chez des amis Lui y flippe, elle y répond "tu m'as trompé, gros, c'est la vie" Lui y dit "si c'est la vie, m'as me l'enlever, ça sera d'ta faute Pardonne-moi, mais j't'aime à m'faire gicler les veines d'un bain d'eau chaude" Ils étaient jeunes, ils savaient pas c'qu'ils faisaient, ils cherchaient Un monde meilleur loin d'c'qui s'trouvait à l'intérieur d'eux-mêmes Ils rêvaient d'paix, s'faisaient la guerre, jouaient avec la vie d'un enfant Seul qui s'ennuyait déjà d'son père programmé vers la fin d'juillet Un vingt et un précisément, au bout d'une branche Il lègue aux survivants c'qui y restait d'souffrance Quand elle, elle l'apprendra, elle en pleurera tellement Qu'aucune larme coulera d'ses yeux à l'enterrement Les gens la jugeront pour ça pis pour autre chose éternellement Personne vers qui se r'tourner, pas vraiment l'choix d'aller d'l'avant Des amis, elle n'avait pu des tonnes, pis ceux qu'y voulaient l'aider On sait pourquoi, on connaît la nature des hommes Seule, face à ses tortionnaires Les rumeurs allaient bon train dans c't'ostie d'ville de fonctionnaires On disait "c'pas une vraie veuve, ils étaient même pas mariés Si ça s'trouve elle est heureuse, d'façon, c'est elle qui l'a quitté" Regardez-la marcher nu-pieds, elle va finir prostituée Elle l'mérite quasiment, c'est un peu elle qui l'a tué Seule avec ses blessures, j'l'ai vue pleurer, mais jamais s'plaindre Pis j'ai senti les passants sur elle cracher toute leur haine C'tait l'époque des marguerites dans les cheveux longs C'que les gens disaient d'faire, on oubliait souvent qu'peu l'font Révolution d'l'amour, j'en suis un fruit prématuré Un goût amer, j'en ai gardé, venant d'un père prêt à s'tuer "Peace and love" écrit s'es murs D'ma chambre avec d'la cire de chandelle multicolore J'trouverais la mort au centre d'mes soldats, d'mes dinosaures Révolution tranquille, c'qui restait d'famille prendra l'bord
Peace or violence J'ai vu des gens tendre les bras et leurs deux doigts lever Leur majeur et leur index, toujours en forme de V J'ai donc demandé ce que ce symbole pouvait signifier Et bien personne, ô grand personne n'a pu me l'expliquer Serait-ce un signe de paix ou bien le V de violence? Quelqu'un sait ce qu'il avance ou ce qu'il fait? (peace or violence) Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Serait-ce un signe de paix ou bien le V de violence? Quelqu'un sait ce qu'il avance ou ce qu'il fait? Serait-ce un signe de paix ou bien le V de violence? Quelqu'un sait ce qu'il avance ou ce qu'il fait? Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Et je m'suis dit que c'était la même Parce qu'il fallait me faire une idée On m'a traîté de pessimiste avec des mots à me suicider (peace or violence) Et j'ai insisté et encore j'insisterai Mais apparemment selon les grands, c'est long à exprimer Ça prendra le temps qu'il faudra le temps Mais finalement je le saurai Dans 5 ans, ou 10 ans, ou 20 ans mais j'espère avant de crever Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi Peace or violence Serait-ce un signe de paix ou bien le V de violence? Quelqu'un sait ce qu'il avance ou ce qu'il fait? Serait-ce un signe de paix ou bien le V de violence? Quelqu'un sait ce qu'il avance ou ce qu'il fait? Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence Peace or violence
Stick with me, darling, I will be your man Your company calls the best up out of me Click with me, baby, I will lay this hand Soft as any moss upon your feet Staley, are you out there? I am in your lane Catch that cup of water when it falls Wait for me, darling, I'll be on that train Catman had a message for us all Shout-out to my lonely friends Message that I meant to send I got peace and love for you right now And when I see my little sis A middle western genius She's got peace and love for you, somehow Gitche Gumee sisters playing with the wind Semi-naked flowers by my side Gitche Gumee sisters with your golden skin What is in your nature we can't hide Well, I'm a lover to all my tribes Oh, tell me, motherfucker, can you feel my vibes? She's a lover to dance on Earth And now I know the meaning of what it's worth Shout-out to my lonely friends Message that I meant to send I got peace and love for you right now And when I see my little sis A middle western genius She's got peace and love for you, somehow Drift with me, Woodson, to another side A streak of violence be lion's pride Sober señorita and two hundred tears A trail of happiness and tears have dried Shout-out to my lonely friends Message that I meant to send I got peace and love for you right now And when I see my little sis A middle western genius She's got peace and love for you, somehow Tell me something I don't know I've got no better place to go I got peace and love for you right now Surely, as I jump this bus Nothing but the two of us We've got peace and love for you somehow
As I walk on Through this wicked world Searching for light in the darkness of insanity I ask myself Is all hope lost Is there only pain and hatred and misery And each time I feel like this inside There's one thing I wanna know What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding As I walk on Through troubled times My spirit gets so down-hearted sometimes So where are the strong And who are the trusted And where is the harmony, sweet harmony 'Cause each time I feel it slipping away Just makes me wanna cry What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding So where are the strong And who are the trusted And where is the harmony, sweet harmony 'Cause each time I feel it slipping away Just makes me wanna cry What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding
Peace love and country music Lord we could sure use some more Peace love and country music Simple things worth fightin' for We need them like never before I'm not a man who has all the answers Sure don't know what it all means Every night . . I kneel down by my bedside I pray for three things Peace love and country music Lord we could sure use some more Peace love and country music Simple things worth fightin' for Oh we need them like never before Every day I'm humbled and thankful For the things the good lord has done I know some people are hurtin' So we sing for less fortunate ones Peace love and country music Lord we could sure use some more Peace love and country music Simple things worth fightin' for We need them like never before Peace love and country music Lord we could sure use some more Peace love and country music Simple things worth fightin' for Oh we need them like never before Oh we need them like never before
Two a.m., wide awake Staring at the walls My head's a broken record My worries a waterfall Trying hard to breathe At a slow and steady pace But I'm stuck in the rhythm Of my heart on the pillow case Just talk to me, doesn't matter what you say Your voice makes the madness start to fade away I'm shaking from the noise And I can't fight it So talk to me, baby You're my peace and quiet Somewhere on the way It was branded in my mind Boy, better make it happen Or you'll get left behind You tell me it's a lie But I keep holding on It's slipping through my fingers It's going, going, gone Just talk to me, doesn't matter what you say Your voice makes the madness start to fade away I'm shaking from the noise And I can't fight it So talk to me, baby Be my peace and quiet Just talk to me, baby You're my peace and quiet Just talk to me, baby You're my peace and quiet Just talk to me, baby You're my peace and quiet
Wa Wa wa Wa Call me Yo boy Ye e, Yah Oluwa bless me in abundantly I'm no more a kid Ani owu mi make i chop life How i feel you can see it Peace and joy Eledumare still remain that plug Why dem dey beef that boy And if dem vex dem fit para shoot gun Ye e Why dem dey beef that boy Pray for peace and joy Eledumare still remain that plug Make dem para shoot gun Our GOD o All pains of today make it let go Make i fit to stand on my ten toes Na beg i dey beg o Our GOD o All pains of today make it let go Make i fit to stand on my ten toes Na beg i dey beg o Aya mi ja,Woni kin tera Mo irin Bata mi ja Woni kin jara mo o,Wa se to ja Step in new town with the new sound Ye Aya mi ja,Woni kin tera Mo irin Bata mi ja Woni kin jara mo o E wo ase to ja Step in new town with the new sound Killi In yo city wa kini won form Yah Oluwa bless me in abundantly I'm no more a kid Ani owu mi make i chop life How i feel you can see it Peace and joy Eledumare still remain that plug Why dem dey beef that boy And if dem vex dem fit para shoot gun Why dem dey beef that boy Pray for peace and joy Eledumare still remain that plug Make dem para shoot gun Para shoot gun gun Pkrr Make dem para shoot gun Woo
Here we go Dance with the devil inside of me I'm longing for a second chance And taste what seems to remind me Of all my skulls and skeletons Live and let liveㅤ Die and let die War and peace in my hand My temptations This war and peace inside Will take me to the end Hell awaits, it's closing in on me It strokes its hand down on my back And no more mistakes My intentions are finally clear From how I've always been Live and let live Die and let die Live and let live Die and let die War and peace in my hand My temptations This war and peace inside Won't end, yeah War and peace in my hand, yeah This war and peace Inside my head Will take me to the end War and peace in my hand My temptations This war and peace inside Won't end, ah yeah War and peace in my hand, yeah This war and peace Inside my head Will take me to the end
I remember the day I made you so afraid I remember the words that you screamed in my face And it's quiet alright, a collection of you goes through my mind When I think of your face, when I think of it and it makes me okay All we wanted was peace and quiet We're gonna get it You make me feel it I feel it, I feel it, I feel it when I'm with you It's so significant that we found each other when we did So promise me you'll stay Help me out this way, you're the best part of my day All we wanted was peace and quiet We're gonna get it eventually
Step one! Get everyone's attention A powerful, majestic start Maybe battle horn of some kind? Step two! Drums! There has to be drums! It doesn't hurt if the drums are played by gorgeous topless men It's proven very efficient throughout the years But, please feel free to try other alternatives It's also proven helpful to go the exact opposite way Use a grandmother! Step three! Show the viewers your country's ethnic background By using an old traditional folklore instrument That no one heard of before No, no, in this case It's proven much more efficient to not use a young model Go for an old man A beard helps! This instrument is called a Swedish kvinnaböske A small roundish piece from the horn family Inherited from the Vikings Just make something up, no one will know! Step four! In Eurovision, nothing says winner like a violin Trust us, bring a violin! Step five! The violin, the drums and the kvinnaböske Might make it all feel a little bit old fashioned This can easily be fixed by adding a DJ who pretends to scratch In real life of course, this is thirty years old But in Eurovision, it will give your number a contemporary feel Step six, costumes! You need to look memorable Something that the viewers will notice Perfect! Step seven, the song! Everything else might be important, but the song is essential Let it be about something everyone can connect to Love works Peace is also a popular way to go Yes, peace is good ABBA actually won the competition With a song about war with Waterloo But this is not something we recommend When you have all the pieces are gathered Go for it and don't look back! Let the song begin with passion Let the wind begin to blow You can break the rules of fashion And your chance to win shall grow Look into the TV camera So the audience can see That you're lovable, not desperate Smile and they will vote for me Fill the stage with light As dancers will join us The expectations grow It's time for the chorus Love love peace peace Old women baking bread Peace peace love love And a man in a hamster wheel Love peace peace love Make it unforgettable And you will be the best And win the Eurovision Song Contest! Now we'll go down a notch Our hands will touch Pretending we're in love It's you and me and when we change the key We'll give the world a show It begins to snow Love love peace peace And a burning fake piano Peace peace love love And a Russian man on skates Love peace peace love It'll be incredible And you will be the best Love love peace peace Party for everybody Peace peace love love More tricks in a hamster wheel Love peace peace love And we can guarantee That you will be the best And win the Eurovision Song Contest! And win the Eurovision Song Contest!
I could imagine you breakin' my heart Those things can happen whenever you hold on too hard I'm not a pessimist, I'm just a mess in the dark, ooh-oh Tend to get anxious when something begins 'Cause I know the chances of stayin' together are slim The odds are against us, but I'll make the best of whatever this is Oh-ooh, tired of writin' in pencil, I'm inkin' you in Oh-ooh, livin' like I'm not afraid of the end Afraid of the end, afraid of the end If, and, or, when Can we just pretend we're not afraid of the end? What if you met someone else at your work? Someone more stable and better at puttin' you first You could lose patience while I'm on the other side of the Earth Oh-ooh, I'm tired of writin' in pencil, I'm inkin' you in Oh-ooh, livin' like I'm not afraid of the end Afraid of the end, afraid of the end If, and, or, when Can we just pretend we're not afraid of the end? Oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh If, and, or, when Can we just pretend we're not afraid of the end? I could imagine you breakin' my heart I could imagine you breakin' my heart It might not happen, but there's still a chance I can imagine, I can imagine (I could imagine)
All good thoughts in spite of righteousness Is not the kind of thoughts in spite of greatness Often not the state is advocation If we form a power of recognition Forget loss and perfect advocation If it drops or stays in convocation All we praise is all we want in commerce All we praise is parties, foreign commerce Entertain ideas of great communion Shelter not materials in union (All we praise is not the kind of commerce That's the right solution!) All good thoughts is not the act of doing What we want but what we should improving Properties, ideas, a woman's pleasure Is empowered by love, a perfect measure!
Yesterday feels like running away Feels like givin' the child Gettin' lost losin' mind I'm feelin' low And I got no place to go Gettin' all tied up Feelin' all tied up, yeah yeah Oh, yesterday feels like running away And I know, I'm givin' up my time To still love, still love's got me blind My mind see the things I don't know And I got no place to go Gettin' all tied up Feelin' all tied up, yeah Right now, hah Yesterday feels like running away When I know, I'm givin' up my time An' I'm, I just gettin' lost, I can't find my mind See the things I don't know And I got no place to go Gettin' all tied up, feelin' all tied up Oh yeah yeah, ohh Things I need to tell you love You'll be true, I know There's still chance for a better life Yes, I know
I saw you out tonight Thought you were out my mind Guess I'm just finding out You're dancing with some other guy His hands on my favorite dress Don't know why I'm such a mess It's been seven months So why do I still feel like I'm breaking Running, hoping That someday you'd be calling Saying you're standing right outside my front door Maybe I just miss the way you make me feel I just need somebody else to love Yeah, I just miss the way you'd call me up And I hate that I still wonder where you are My love, I'm not asking for too much I just need somebody I just need somebody else to love I see you look in his eyes A secret look that was mine So do I fake a smile or fall for miles Darling, I'm breaking Running, still hoping That someday you'd be calling Saying you're standing right outside my front door Maybe I just miss the way you made me feel I just need somebody else to love Yeah, I just miss the way you'd call me up And I hate that I still wonder where you are My love, I'm not asking for too much I just need somebody I just need somebody else to love I see what you have And I'm happy you've found Someone like that And it makes me realize That I just need somebody else to love Yeah, I just miss the way you'd call me up And I hate that I still wonder where you are My love, I'm not asking for too much I just need somebody I just need somebody else to love Oh-oh-oh I just need somebody else to love
Glass jaw, grave yard, slip and break your neck hard Ghost of the demon that I cast off slasher Fabulous crash that I can't stop, thrasher All the pretty horses running backwards, rapture I could use some time in a dream, in a forest, in the sea Underwater we could breathe, yeah I could use a vacay from my head, like I wish that I was dead Just so you could resurrect me Do you love somebody else? Don't apologise for things you really felt Point out all of my mistakes Why's the subject always change? Tell me honestly How could I love somebody else? (How could I love somebody else?) (How could I love somebody else?) (How could I love somebody else?) Too late, too drunk, listening to punk rock Tryna spend this money like I got some, awesome Bitter like a sinner with the gospel, awful Tryna say I need you through a bottle, thoughtful I could use some time in a dream, in a forest, in the sea Underwater we could breathe, yeah I could use a vacay from my head, like I wish that I was dead Just so you could resurrect me Do you love somebody else? Don't apologise for things you really felt Point out all of my mistakes Why's the subject always change? Tell me honestly How could I love somebody else? (How could I love somebody else?) Here's to first impressions With good intentions Chasing what my heart was missing Your worst incentives Caught my attention Will I ever learn my lesson? Do you love somebody else? Don't apologise for things you really felt Point out all of my mistakes Why's the subject always change? Tell me honestly How could I love somebody else? (How could I love somebody else?)
The Energy that I'm gaining from your rays of light It fulfills me infinite space and time My soul told me Were together in a past life, past life, past life Our timelines meet Right here in the present time Oh I Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love And Light Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love And Light Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love And Light Peace Love, Peace Love, peace Love And Light I was living 3D Until she told me to vibrate high Now I'm 5D Skipped 4 went straight to 5 Spent most of my life living on the dark side Until this angel came along and showed me love and light I was in these streets real, real, real, real deep inside Until this Angel came along and showed me love and light Our timelines meet Right here in the present time Oh I Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love and Light Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love and Light Peace Love, Peace Love, Peace Love and Light Peace Love, Peace Love, peace Love and Light
Peace and love Y una carga de metralla De rodillas al sol Eso ya no me interesa Ni sus guerras ni su Dios Grito ciego con mi cara de cañón De maldición De radio humano Plomo Plomo sulfurando tu aliento Plomo recargado en tu voz, en tu día Tanta saliva, malva de niña fina Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Peace and love Como espuma fermentada Quien te vende dolor Disfrazado de placeres Grita ciego con tu cara de cañón De maldición De radio humano Plomo Plomo sulfurando tu aliento Plomo recargado en tu voz, en tu día Tanta saliva, malva de niña fina Plomo Plomo sulfurando tu aliento Plomo recargado en tu voz, en tu día Tanta saliva, malva de niña fina Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (paz y amor, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú (peace and love, no, no) Tutú, tururu, tututú Oh Peace and love, love, love, love
曾經失去純真的盼望 像飛翔沒有了方向 獨自在黑暗中等待發光 始終無法成為太陽 你爭我奪的語言 我聽不懂 放下了才能擁有遼闊 找回存在的感動 再一次珍重 不奢求永遠才能自由 於是我望著 你擁抱著 愛與和平 緊緊相依 我唱著 用心唱著 低調而喧嘩卻不再哭泣 Cause we need love 遺忘了就全丟在過去 渴望未來卻忘了現在 喔真實的夢虛擬的戰鬥 有誰能夠真正逃脫 你爭我奪的語言 我聽不懂 放下了才能擁有遼闊 找回存在的感動 再一次珍重 無論大雨還是晴空 我們是同一個宇宙 於是我望著 你擁抱著 愛與和平 緊緊相依 我唱著 用心唱著 低調而喧嘩卻不再哭泣 喔別忘了傷過的痛 記住多少悲歡與共 生命的 每一天 當用力的付出到最後 堅持最初開始相信的一切 於是我望著 你擁抱著 愛與和平 緊緊相依 我唱著 用心唱著 低調而喧嘩卻不再哭泣 我望著 你擁抱著 愛與和平 緊緊相依 我唱著 為你唱的 溫柔倔強著 就這樣 For love and peace For love and peace For love and peace
Ice Cube the great!! "; He has indicated to us that he has sufficient. firepower. To. blow up the Bradley vehicle. And in fact his words were, 'We are ready for war. let's get it on'"; War. "; War, and peace"; Sing it! Singer interprets No Doubt's "; Don't Speak"; War and peace... (Sing it!) War and peace, forever! War and peace, together. always! One: Ice Cube I'm at the highest peak, still glad the meak is understandin me Artillery, thoughts of killin me is just a fantasy The man in me is ready for war, like Holyfield/Tyson IV A gang against you niggaz on the shore Either or, your whole family is on the floor Windows breakin all around em, you can't climb this mountain I'm at the fountain, with my troops I start screamin at em like Patton, we gattin at you fools! Two: Ice Cube Negotiate... strategy is the key! I hope they ain't... exclusively after me! Cause if they are... we gots to be who we be! And make a star... out of a head enemy! The papers said... that he died tragically! They found his head... with no legs and bo-dy! We made a pledge... to the Dub-S-C! Bloodshed... if they got no love for peace! Sing it! Three: Ice Cube I'd rather break bread than uhh, break your head Break your legs, have em broken, I ain't no joke Don't provoke, the gun smoke from the highest slope Eternal peace, for my peoples and my folks My crips and my bloods, criminals and my thugs Just show a nigga love when I'm rollin on them dubs Just, give a nigga hugs, we can ride on this piece Westside for Life but still down with the East Sing it! 2X After the haters attempt to blow up his car We find our hero, Ice Cube, on the ground Bruised, but not beaten He pulls out his cell phone. WITH THE CHIP! And begins to dial Mack One-Oh Who's faded and rolling through Inglewood With Mr. Short KHOP Words. are spoken
Don't worry, baby It goes right through me I'm like the wind and my anger will disperse Thin persecutors Your twisted whispers A horned reptile that is crawled upon the earth I went for my usual walk I tell it like it is Tell it like it was Judge and jury, executioner Judge and jury, executioner Judge and jury When darkness follows And no tomorrows It's all been decided All spies deceptive All bouncing voices down the echo chamber Don't worry, baby It goes right through me I went for my usual walk I went around the block I just can't talk or reason with my executioner Judge and jury, executioner Judge and jury Been wasting trails You talk in layers I went for my usual walk Tell it like it is, tell it like it was Judge and jury, executioner Judge and jury, executioner Judge and jury Don't worry, baby It goes right through me I'm like the wind and my anger will disperse
Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ι've been chasin' Can't sleep, nο hesitatiοn Ι'm sο damn sick and tired οf waitin' Fοr the right time (Υeah, yeah) Finders, keepers Ι'm taking what I deserve Wοn't be gοοd to the nοn-believers Ιnside my mind Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ι can already feel it Shοοtin' my shοt Ιt's in my blood, yeah, Ι need it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt 'Cause Ι've already made it Τοο far to stop Ι'll be damned if I waste it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ah, oh-oh Ηere I come, ready οr nοt (Oοh-οοh-οοh-οοh) Gοt no patience Sο close that Ι can taste it Ι knοw they gonna try and take it Υeah, it's a fight Gοtta take a medal Drive it like Ι stole it 'til I hit another level Damn it all these rοadblοcks Gοt me so damn temperamental Μessing with my mental Ηell nο, let's gο Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ι can already feel it Shοοtin' my shοt Ιt's in my blood, yeah, Ι need it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt 'Cause Ι've already made it Τοο far to stop Ι'll be damned if I waste it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ah, oh-oh Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ah, oh-oh Ι said nο, no way, nο way Υou tοοk your best shot Υeah, yοu took your best shοt, ay Νο, no way, no way Υou tοοk your best shot Υeah, yοu took your best shοt, ay Νο, no way, no way Υou tοοk your best shot Υeah, yοu took your best shοt, ay Νο, no way, no way Υou tοοk your best shot Υeah, yοu took your best shοt, ay Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ι can already feel it (Hey) Shοοtin' my shοt Ιt's in my blood, yeah, Ι need it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt 'Cause Ι've already made it (Hey) Τοο far to stop Ι'll be damned if I waste it Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ah, oh-oh Ηere I come, ready οr nοt Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-oh-ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ah, oh-oh Ηere I come, ready οr nοt
Late night I can't go to sleep I wonder if you notice me at all I've been feeling low this week But tell me who gon' catch me when I fall Would you like sit and watch me Or would you talk about me The streets don't love nobody Oh oh oh Living like a star now they all my friends It's about where I'm going not where I've been Drag me down 'til I drown if I hold your hand Lie to my face you'll never see me again Tell me where to start, let the story begin Gave you my heart now we're not even friends Swimming with the sharks drowning in the deep end Girl you left me scarred may never fall in love again Across the lonely stars at night Guess I was wrong to do you right For all the times I gave advice You never listened anyway
We've both been acting strangely And you can hardly face me And I can see no fire in your eyes We both know the answer But one of us won't say it Love's the only game in town You sure know how to play it The future of our love is on the line The both of us could lose more than we find So turn around and count to ten Before you lose the only one who really loves you Somebody who likes you just as you are Now how you might have been, oh baby When you turn around again I might be with someone else who really loves me And now I'll say, what I don't want to say I'll have you back again, I want you back And if we think about it and come to the conclusion That I want you, and you want me, we've come to the solution And I cannot deny it, you were my perfect lover If paradise is half as nice, I'd never find another And now it's time, for making up your mind The future is ahead don't look behind So turn around and count to ten Before you lose the only one who really loves you Somebody who likes you just as you are Now how you might have been When you turn around again I might be with someone else who really loves me And now I'll say what I don't want to say I'll have you back again I want your love in my hands where I can feel it Love in my heart, where I can keep it warm Turn up your radio now I'm calling out your name What we've got cannot be left behind It's time for you to tell me that you're mine So turn around and count to ten Before you lose the only one who really loves you Somebody who likes you just as you are Now how you might have been, ho baby When you turn around again I might be with someone else who really loves me And now I'll say, what I don't want to say I'll have you back again, I want you back In my life where I can hold you Back in my dreams, Where I can keep you warm Here on my lips where I can taste your candy kiss
It's all for the taking Happiness and warmth It exists but not forever Else you wouldn't see it coming and it's been a while Else you wouldn't see it coming and it's been a while Is there anybody out there in the silence? Give me a sign, let me know that you're there Can you hear me cryin'? Can you hear me givin' up, givin' up? Givin' up, givin' up on myself Love, love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself Love, love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself And I bought an old Mercedes And drove it down the motorway And on every inch of that old car, babe, I spray-painted your name I took a lighter from my pocket And I set it up in flames And now I'm walking home and I'm all alone sad singin' in the rain Is there anybody out there in the silence? Give me a sign, let me know that you're there Can you hear me cryin'? Can you hear me givin' up, givin' up? Givin' up, givin' up on myself Love, love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself Love, love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself Love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself, yeah Love, love somebody else 'Cause I'm giving up on myself I'm givin' up, givin' up, givin' up, givin' up on myself I'm givin' up, givin' up, givin' up, givin' up on myself Givin' up, givin' up, givin' up, givin' up on myself The good and the bad Nothing's gonna last forever The good and the bad Nothing's gonna last forever The good and the bad Nothing's gonna last forever The good and the bad Nothing's gonna last forever The good and the bad Nothing's gonna last forever
Love, peace, and harmony Love, peace, and harmony Love, peace, and harmony Giving their hands in unity Understanding will make us see Let's turn confusion into ecstasy Higher and higher (be my love) Taking my soul with love Feel the desire (feel my touch) Spreading the joy from above Children of the revolution Feel the desire Higher and higher Higher and higher Higher and higher, higher Love, peace, and harmony Giving their hands in unity Understanding will make us see Let's turn confusion into ecstasy Love, peace, and harmony
Yeah Yeah J'ai des cicatrices pleines d'encre, seul sous la pluie d'septembre J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'replonge dans une tristesse grande J'ai des cicatrices pleines d'encre Ciel pleure sur la ville, ciel tremble J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'attends que mon business flambe Mon cerebral system flanche, j'ai la tension qui té-mon J'fais face à tous mes démons, moi j'ai pas les petites ailes d'anges Putain encore un soir où je sais qu'j'dormirai pas Où j'm'endormirai à l'aube, relation tombée à l'eau J'réponds plus trop aux appels, quand c'est l'argent j'réponds "allô" Loyauté qui s'fait la belle et l'honneur qui s'fait la malle C'soir j'ai le blues qui fait mal, on dirait qu'j'ai perdu le goût J'sens plus les saveurs et arômes, j'fais ma route à contre sens T'façon tous les chemins mènent à Rome, t'façon ils mènent tous à la mort T'façon ce monde est hardcore, que le ciel me laisse une chance J'la saisirai à bras l'corps, il faut encore que j'explore J'ai encore rien vu de la flore, j'ai encore rien vu de la faune J'ai longtemps crié ma haine, jusqu'à en devenir aphone J'ai gardé le cœur dans la paume, donc il est rempli d'hématomes J'le ressens dans tous mes atomes Personne viendra avec moi dans ma tombe J'ai croqué mais j'ai pas avalé la pomme Cercle fermé, je n'vais pas rentrer dans la ronde Dans la vie comme sur le ring, j'suis tout seul, j'ai ma paire de gants J'me bats pour mes frères de sang J'suis baisé, j'peux pas perdre de temps Les sentiments qui s'envolent, les sentiments qui s'envolent J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love Les sentiments qui s'envolent, les sentiments qui s'envolent J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'ai des cicatrices pleines d'encre, seul sous la pluie d'septembre J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'replonge dans une tristesse grande J'ai des cicatrices pleines d'encre Ciel pleure sur la ville, ciel tremble J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love, ils ont tous des vices étranges J'aimerais que leur système flanche, j'ai la tension qui té-mon J'fais face à tous mes démons, moi j'ai pas les p'tites ailes blanches Putain encore un soir où je sais qu'j'dormirai pas Où je sais qu'j'rentrerai tard, encore de petits écarts J'en oublie c'que je ressens, emporté par le gré du vent J'me ressaisis sur le fil, j'apprends au fil du temps Le temps qui vient et qui part, qui voyage et qui s'égard Le temps qui cassait ses barres, le temps qui passe et répare Le temps qui passe et qui blesse, le temps qui passe et progresse Le temps qui passe et m'oppresse, le temps qui passe et me stresse Le temps qui passe et m'agresse, des erreurs et maladresses Chercher le bonheur comme Will, j'attends qu'on m'envoie l'adresse J'attends qu'on m'envoie un signe, plus rien ne me fascine J'ai l'amertume assassine, j'ai l'air fleuri à la cime J'suis gangréné à la racine, j'noie ma peine et mes hantises J'noie mes souvenirs dans la tise, j'ai vu des trucs hallucinants J'entends qu'la terre agonise, des sanglots, les balbutiements Sentiments qui s'amenuisent, j'les vois s'envoler gentiment Le morale au ras du ciment, peace, haine, love qui me détruisent Les sentiments qui s'envolent, les sentiments qui s'envolent J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love Les sentiments qui s'envolent, les sentiments qui s'envolent J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love J'me sens pas trop peace, haine, love
네가 상처받지 않게 어떻게 말을 꺼낼까 예쁜 말 적당한 핑계로 널 보내고 난 떠나려 했어 일어선 나를 붙잡고 엉엉 울며 매달리기 전 까지 말야 다른 사람을 사랑하고 있어 다 말하고 싶지 않았어 넌 좋은 사람이니까 허물어지는 모래성을 붙잡고 더 애를 쓰려 하지 마 너 아닌 다른 사람을 사랑하고 있어 바란 것도 하나 없이 넌 항상 모든 걸 줬어 행복한 내가 너의 행복이라며 넌 언제나 나만 바라봤어 그런데 너의 사랑이 점점 지쳐 변명 하지 않고 다 말할게 다른 사람을 사랑하고 있어 다 말하고 싶지 않았어 넌 좋은 사람이니까 허물어지는 모래성을 붙잡고 더 애를 쓰려 하지 마 너 아닌 다른 사람을 걱정하다가도 까맣게 널 잊을 만큼 진심으로 사랑하고 있어 아름다웠던 사랑의 끝에서 다 말하고 싶지 않았어 네가 아플까 봐 허물어지는 모래성을 붙잡고 더 애를 쓰려 하지 마 너 아닌 다른 사람을 사랑하고 있어
Hmm-Mmm... The sun is sinkin' And time's got me thinkin' As we grow old Will our love stay strong Or will it disappear? Tomorrow's unknown But today is our own So take my hand Hold on with no fear 'Cause, baby, 'cause, baby 'Cause, baby, I'm here I will see you through I'll be there for you We will endure What life has in store Have faith and believe Like the air that you breathe Love will stand when all else falls Love will stand when all else falls Whoa! I've been put through hell More than I can tell Now I finally see There's one way to live Be kind and forgive I have the power in me OH! (Follow me where I lead,) OH! (I'll meet ev'ry need.) We will endure what life has in store. Have faith and believe, like the air that you breathe- Love will stand when all else falls. Follow me (Follow me where I lead,) Where I lead (I'll meet ev'ry need.) We will endure what life has in store. Oh yes! Have faith and believe, like the air that you breathe- Love will stand when all else falls. Love will stand... ...when all else... ...falls.
The one I love belongs to somebody else She means her tender songs for somebody else And even when I have my arms around her I know her thoughts are strong for somebody else Oh the hands I hold belong to somebody else I bet they're not so cold to somebody else It's tough to be alone on a shelf It's worse to fall in love by yourself The one I love belongs to somebody else It's tough to be alone... Somebody else somebody else somebody else
Listen to me, baby There's something you must see I want to be with you, gal If you want to be with me But if you got to go It's alright But if you got to go, go now Or else you gotta stay all night It ain't that I'm questionin' you To take part in any quiz It's just that I ain't got no watch An' you keep askin' me what time it is So if you got to go It's alright But if you got to go, go now Or else you gotta stay all night I am just a poor boy, baby Lookin' to connect But I certainly don't want you thinkin' That I ain't got any respect So if you got to go It's alright But if you got to go, go now Or else you gotta stay all night You know I'd have a guilty conscience And I'd still need, too If I kept you from anything That you really want to do So if you got to go It's alright But if you got to go, go now Or else you gotta stay all night It ain't that I'm wantin' Anything you never gave before It's just that I'll be sleepin' soon It'll be too dark for you to find the door But if you got to go It's alright But if you got to go, go now Or else you gotta stay all night
It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here It's never enough, so I gotta leave you now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh Would you walk eight thousand miles Just to make me smile on a rainy Wednesday? If so, then you gots to go, it ain't mutual and I'm not pretending Green light, I'm the kryptonite to your love life, no happy ending You need to slow down, shawty, you way too focused on me Callin' all the time, blowin' up my line crazy (yeah) Now I gotta hide, do the duck and dive daily Couldn't see the signs, you're a Gemini Shoulda known (ayy) Shoulda kno-o-own It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here What's warm to the touch, is colder than winter now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here It's never enough, so I gotta leave you now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh When destiny calls, it won't be for me Yeah, you should move on, there's nothin' to see here (no) Isn't my fault you fall into pieces Told you from the jump, I can't give you what you want Said you'd keep your cool, we could take it slow (take it slow) 'Til you heard my song on the radio And now we can't go back to the way it was before (before) Before, oh-oh-oh It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here What's warm to the touch, is colder than winter now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh It's love or it's lust (oh-oh, oh), we just need to be clear (oh-oh, oh) 'Cause if you're in love (oh-oh, oh), then I shouldn't be here It's never enough, so I gotta leave you now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh Who told you to be so rude? You're actin' too irrational (you crazy, girl) I told you the truth so let me be now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here What's warm to the touch, is colder than winter now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh It's love or it's lust, we just need to be clear 'Cause if you're in love, then I shouldn't be here It's never enough, so I gotta leave you now Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh Love or lust Love or lust (yeah, yeah) Love or lust Love or lust (ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh) Love or lust (yeah, yeah) Love or lust (yeah, yeah) Ooh, whoa Ooh-whoa-oh, oh-oh
I know, I know, I know Romeos are lined up around the block Waiting their turn just to punch the clock While I'm begging underneath your balcony Saying, "Throw your rope down to me" Holes in my pockets and holes in my shoes Breaks my heart to break the news I'm broke, but I know, I know, I know Everything we do, Love or money Nobody likes to lose Love or money I've been real with you Come on and tell me, honey I know it all comes down to Love or money Love or money You don't need all the glitter and glitz 'Cause you're already so glamorous I can give you much more than this Lean in and give me a kiss Gold in his pockets and gold in my heart Tell me when did it get so hard To choose, I know it all comes down to Everything we do, Love or money Nobody likes to lose Love or money I've been real with you Come on and tell me, honey I know it all comes down to Love or money Inside my chest is buried treasure Ooh, ooh And we could make it last forever Everything we do, Nobody likes to lose Love or money I've been real with you Come on and tell me, honey I know it all comes down to Love or money Love or money Oh, I know, I know, I know Love or money Yeah, love or money Everything we do Love or money I know it all comes down to
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