Tropical Paradise Ringtones

1221 ringtones matching "Tropical Paradise". Here you can browse, listen and download Tropical Paradise Ringtones for free. Best Tropical Paradise Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Let's get down こっから抜け出して 君と二人乗り込む First class Tropical Paradise... Let me see you rock ya, rock ya body And I'm gonna make you, make you love me Tropical Paradise... おとぎ話の Princess のよう 願い叶えるよ Just tell me now 指に 5carats バラの花束 君のためなら望みのまま まるで毎回が First date まるで毎日が Birthday 君のそばにいられない 夜は電話越しに伝えるよ "Good night" 夕暮れ海沿いの Cali それとも Shopping お忍びで Paris 夜は夜景見降ろして乾杯 それか Party で仲間と Get fly スイートは最上級 また夜が明けるまで Ride on you Girl, ごまかさないで どっちがいい? 俺だけに教えてよ Let's be real Let's get down こっから抜け出して 君と二人乗り込む First class Tropical Paradise... Let me see you rock ya, rock ya body And I'm gonna make you, make you love me Tropical Paradise... 重低音鳴り響く System 助手席の君を横目に Switch lanes 後何センチの Distance まだ加速してく二人の Weekend どこまでも Ride, Ride, Ride 止めれるワケない、ない、ない どんなとこに行ったって 君が隣りにいるなら Fly, Fly, Fly Everyday, Every night いつだって君を Make you smile 他の誰も真似出来ない 気持ちにさせてあげる Never make you cry いたずらな Game には Time out ふとした瞬間に途切れた会話 結論は出てるでしょ? Right now 朝日昇るまでまだ Ride out, Let's get down こっから抜け出して 君と二人乗り込む First class Tropical Paradise... Let me see you rock ya, rock ya body And I'm gonna make you, make you love me Tropical Paradise... Hey, ガラスの靴なんてなくても Change your life Rock for you baby alright どんな願いでも Make it true Baby, come closer, closer Baby, Let me show ya, show ya きっと君が My last Queen Stay with me, 今夜は I'll make you mine Let's get down こっから抜け出して 君と二人乗り込む First class Tropical Paradise... Let me see you rock ya, rock ya body And I'm gonna make you, make you love me Tropical Paradise...
Deja que te eche un cuento'e donde vivo yo La hija del fulano'e tal se está metiendo una piola Y no le para bola al pelabola que en verdad la ama Ya no hay más, se va a la cama con un sifrinito Porque la pasó buscando en el carrito del papá Que no está dándole amor a su mujer Y es que esta se aburrió de él Quizá por su monotonía, y aunque todavía Se quieren, tar juntos no pueden Porque ahora le deben respeto a sus nuevas compañías Pasan los días, el niño duerme en la acera La creyente dice: "Busca a Cristo, que él te salve" Niño responde con una patá en las nalgas Y es que no hay oración buena cuando la tripa te suena Apenas son las siete en punto, y ponen el candao Porque el señor del azote tiene un Glock con selector Se volvió loquito y Paquito salió tiroteao Y los otros pacos ocupaos viendo el televisor Y el señor (y el señor) de al lado es oficialista Yo, la señora del frente no El de al lao invadió un terreno clasista La del frente la botaron por no votar a favor Y yo no sé si tú y yo vivimos en el mismo país Pero te juro que así es en el mío Tragedia, racismo, clasismo Tierra de clima tropical, pero habitantes fríos Yo no sé si tú y yo vivimos en el mismo país Pero te juro que así es en el mío Tragedia, racismo, clasismo Tierra de clima tropical La abuela se está asfixiando, casi no pue respirar Pero en el hospital dicen que tengo que esperar Que hay que darle prioridad al borracho con picada'e zancudo Nada personal (nah), solo que él sí tiene seguro "Y yo te juro que m'hijo era sano", dijo aquella madre Llorando porque al muchacho se lo mataron Pero lo que nunca supo, quizás se enteró muy tarde (¿qué?) El chamo era un matón, por culpa de él otros lloraron Yo no sé si tú y yo vivimos en el mismo país Pero aquí es casi como en el Medio Oriente Solo que la guerra está en barrios, principalmente Y los soldados son delincuentes contra inocentes Como inocente era aquella familia tan bella Que lo último que vio fue cómo un carro se le estrella Solo un sobreviviente, el mismo que me echó este cuento El cual aún busca al culpable de esto pa verlo muerto Y yo te apuesto que no hay puesto ya libre en el autobús Ni cama en el hospital pa que madres den a luz Ni cupos en la central para esta juventud Que muere joven porque a los barrios no llega Jesús La autopista sin luz y los pueblos sin asfaltado Mientras da un discurso bonito el jefe de estado Ve cuánto ha aumentado el petróleo desde el año pasado Por ca mil barriles producidos hay un desempleado Que se ha decidido a cometer acto ilegal Nada que perder, pero sí mucho que ganar Esa es la causa principal de la maldad venezolana Tan grande casi como Canaima y la Gran Sabana La maldad en la ventana, la mentira en la esquina Las cárceles inhumanas, la policía corrompida ¡Qué linda Venezuela! ¡Qué grande Simón Bolívar Y su cara en billetes, pa los más pobres desconocida! Guayana Esequiba con rayas en nuestro mapa La papa está escasa, la taza de la violencia en alza Belleza natural, cierto; paraíso, completa farsa Porque en el paraíso no se amenazan, se abrazan Y yo no sé si tú y yo vivimos en el mismo país Pero te juro que así es en el mío Tragedia, racismo, clasismo Tierra de clima tropical, pero habitantes fríos Yo no sé si tú y yo vivimos en el mismo país Pero de pana que así es en el mío Tragedia, racismo, clasismo Tierra de clima tropical Es Kpu Es Canserbero, son
Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion It feels like I am dreaming the air is so dreamy This is that this is that Tropical Feeling Waikiki 29 degrees this is the part I set the scene We locked eyes in front of the sea the island has power over me Say hello we could get this right we should get a drink and talk all night Pineapple vodka yeh that's fine can you feel the magic starting to light Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion It feels like I am dreaming the air is so dreamy This is that this is that Tropical Feeling I wake up in the morning to sunrise head downstairs lay poolside I can hear waves crashing by mm that breakfast is divine Wow hours go by I ain't see the girl I don't feel fine Getting sun rays tanning real nice sun's about to set as she arrives We smiled at each other I got butterflies I asked about her day and she replies I couldn't wait to get back I hoped you were here Are you feeling hungry you wanna get a meal Let me go take a shower I'll meet you in the lobby in an hour Go for burgers we'll devour with some drinks so sweet and sour Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion It feels like I am dreaming the air is so dreamy This is that this is that Tropical Feeling Feeling Feeling Tropical Feeling Feeling Feeling Tropical Feeling The morning came there she was Unexpected oh what a rush Tropics got me feeling all this lust I gotta leave tomorrow damn what a bust Her lips pressing up against mine a feeling I don't ever wanna say bye Has it been real do I really feel could I really fall head over heels Need advice where's uncle Phil is the magic in the air acting as a pill Tropical island making it unreal what reality does it become real Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion Sunlight to moonlight the ocean is emotion It feels like I am dreaming the air is so dreamy This is that this is that Tropical Feeling
Tropical Le parole bastavan da sole A descriverti il regno del sole Del frastuono bluette Tropical Tropical Tropical Tropical Tropical Eran le ultime sambe degli anni '50 E noi giù Sotto la nordica pallida Europa Un poco più giù Confidenzial Fregatura total Illusional Come il gerovital Altre stagioni Altra storia virtual Nella scusante del monumental Tropical Tropical Anzi subtropical Sulle terrazze di notte L'estate italiana un via vai Intellettuali e matrone parlavano d'arte ma ormai Artificial Tentativo glacial Subliminal Tentazione ambiental Usa l'estate il sorriso abitual Le gira intorno un pensiero autunnal Tropical Tropical Tropical Tropical
So take it all A collage of colours will fall See the light turn to gold Feel the cold The walls live and move and then fold To crush our limp bodies like coal On your tip toes You're never as high as I feel On your high horse, or in your high heels Diamonds appear where we lay As our thoughts and our minds are erased I let myself go (x8) I've swallowed your eyes So you'll finally see from my shoes It's way darker from my point of view But when smiles turn to frowns we'll be gone And when songs sound like storms we'll float on So let yourself go Just let yourself go (x7)
Espero impacientemente En la esquina de la escuela donde estudias Cada segundo que pasa Me parece un siglo y no me pasa Que tu clase no termine ya Se me ilumina la cara Cuando por fin tu figura aparece Si te tomo de la mano te estremeces Te encargaron mil tareas y no puedes Ni un momento estar juntito a mi Escuchame La tarea soy yo mi amor Y siempre seré yo mi amor Escribe miles de veces Que te quiero y que me quieres En el libro de tu corazón La tarea soy yo mi amor Y siempre seré yo mi amor Escríbeme aquí en el alma Cien mil veces que me amas Y yo escribiré con versos La historia de nuestro amor La historia de nuestro amor Me dijo que ya no la molestara Que ya no quería nada nada más de mí Me dijo que lo nuestro fue un error Que no debió de suceder que me olvidara de su amor Ahora que me encuentro triste y solo Porque mucho yo le lloro ya no se que hacer Pero que fácil es Para ella es decirme que la olvide Que me aleje de su vida sabe bien que no podré No podré Arrancar de un solo golpe sus caricias Su mirada su sonrisa y su tersa piel Su tersa piel Pues mi cuerpo esta impregnado de su amor Y mis labios en su dulce sabor Y aunque trate de olvidarla no podre arrancarla de mí Que ya no llore me dicen por ahí Que ya no piense en ella Que al cabo con el tiempo la lograre olvidar Pero son puras mentiras Ella jamás se me olvida Y en cada minutito Del tiempo transcurrido Cada vez que respiro yo la recuerdo más Ayúdame Dios mío Arráncame el recuerdo De esa mujer que quiero y ya no esta conmigo Ayúdame a olvidarla arráncala de mi alma Pues tu también ya lo sabes que es mala y ya no me ama Ayúdame Dios mío Arráncame el recuerdo De esa mujer que quiero y ya no esta conmigo Ayúdame a olvidarla arráncala de mi alma Pues tu también ya lo sabes que es mala y ya no me ama
Rome Simmi Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar (c-un gust amar) Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar (uh, uh, uh, uh) Drive-by din Maybach Bani mulți n-ai habar Am masaj în scaun, două blonde îmi fac masaj Arunc banii în club, nu mai văd niciun mesaj Sunt într-un sky tower, cu una, la cel mai mare etaj Dansează, dansează, fato îmi place cum te miști E ploaie de bani, dă-i, dă-i, nu riști, nu câștigi Pentru mine tot singură e chiar dacă are iubit Ai pierdut-o c-am prea mulți bani, ayy și că mi-a zâmbit Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar (c-un gust amar) Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar (uh, uh, uh, uh) Scot pistolu', face Bang ca Fredo Eu nu beau cafea, da' beleaua asta vine expresso Avem albă ca zăpada, rece ninge, Raffaello Semi-auto, tragem dintr-un Ford Mondeo O să-mi fac palat ca Gigi, palat ca Gigi Mut linia de final dacă vreodată ajungeți primii Ziua oameni normali, seara avem colți, stai, vin vampirii Scoatem topoare, dăm cu ele ca vikingii (bow) Mănânc vită La desert plăcintă Oriunde am fi tragem afară și-n incintă Nu vorbi prost de noi, că noi facem din tine o țintă Locul de veci e o cruce, groapa e pregătită Vestă Moncler, adidași Dior Sunt gata să mor, e greu de zis nu e ușor Viața e un televizor, al tău e negru, al meu color Bossu' în oraș, că-s prea mare pentru sector Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar (c-un gust amar) Tropical, cinci shot-uri de la bar Șampanie în pahar, am rămas tot c-un gust amar Nah, una alta Mai râdem mai glumim Triplu boss să moară sor-mea M6, G1 Ce vreți voi Prrr!
Well, it sure is nice down here this time of year The tourists are tanned and there's holiday cheer Here comes santa claus, havin' a tropical christmas I'm mailin' out cards to the great frozen north Sweatin' from the energy I could force In jingle bells, havin' a tropical christmas And when the sun sets down in the ocean We'll decorate the palm tree We'll mingle ornaments with coconut lights Then we'll go caroling through paradise And thank baby Jesus for this tropical silent night First we'll open our presents, then we'll lay on the Beach Later we'll call, see what relatives we reach In their winter wonderland, havin' a tropical christmas And when the sun sets down in the ocean We'll decorate the palm tree We'll mingle ornaments with coconut lights Then we'll go caroling through paradise And thank baby jesus for this tropical silent night Hey kris kringle, when you empty your sleigh Stop by and kick back with us a few days You and rudolph, havin' a tropical christmas We'll build a snowman in sand, havin' a tropical Christmas Grandma wants a new bikini, havin' a tropical christmas Y'all come on down, we'll have a tropical christmas Bring your suntan oil, havin' a tropical christmas Let their be peace on earth, havin' a tropical Christmas Bring some surfboards for the kids
까맣게 번져가는 밤을 지새운다 설레는 맘을 안고서 요란히 반짝이던 별빛들도 이젠 말없이 하나 둘 잠이 들어가 붙잡았던 미련들도 모두 멀어지겠지 낯선 길 따라 달리다 보면 기다렸던 새벽녘이 밤하늘 물들 때 용길 내어 그 길을 떠나본다 My road to paradise My road to paradise Tonight 간절했던 그 꿈을 그리며 끝없는 안개 속을 달려간다 My road to paradise 아득히 펼쳐진 이 길을 따라가 본다 지쳐간 내 몸 이끌면서 걸어가 걷다 보면 모두 이뤄지겠지 숨겨 바래왔던 비밀 모두 다 설레이는 사랑도 날 기다리고 있을까 동화 속에 이야기처럼 벅찬 가슴을 몰래 달래며 떠나는 겁나고 막연할것만 같은 My road to paradise My road to paradise Tonight 간절했던 그 꿈을 그리며 끝없는 안개 속을 달려간다 My road to paradise 설렌 가슴을 애써 달래며 용길 내어 그 길을 떠나본다 My road to paradise
Voy por la vereda tropical La noche plena de quietud Con su perfume de humedad Y en la brisa que viene del mar Se oye el rumor de una canción Canción de amor y de piedad Con ella fui noche tras noche hasta el mar Para besar su boca fresca de amor Y me juró querernos más y más Y no olvidar jamás aquellas noches junto al mar Hoy solo me queda recordar Mis ojos mueren de llorar El alma muere de esperar ¿Por qué se fue? Tú la dejaste ir, vereda tropical ¡Hazla volver a mí! Quiero besar su boca otra vez junto al mar Vereda tropical, vereda tropical Con ella fui noche tras noche hasta el mar Para besar su boca fresca de amor Y me juró querernos más y más Y no olvidar jamás aquellas noches junto al mar Hoy solo me queda recordar Mis ojos mueren de llorar El alma muere de esperar ¿Por qué se fue? Tú la dejaste ir, vereda tropical ¡Hazla volver a mí! Quiero besar su boca otra vez junto al mar Vereda tropical, vereda tropical Vereda tropical, ¡vereda tropical!
My love is like a movie scene, yeah My touch is like a summer breeze Your heart is lighter, make them hotter Make you fall in love with me In love, in love with me So move it, move it to the floor (Move it move it to the floor) If you want it, let me know Are you ready for me? Watch me, watch me dip it low (Watch me, watch me dip it low) If you want it, let me know If you're ready, let me know Just let me be your tropical And watch me whine it up, whine it up (Club keep it moving for you) Yeah, I can be your tropical So watch me whine it up, whine it up (Move your weave like a tropical, ya) (Like a tropical, ya) My body moves along with the waves My love is like a mountain road You never get enough of me, yeah Make you fall in love with me In love, in love with me So move it, move it to the floor (Move it move it to the floor) If you want it, let me know Are you ready for me? Watch me, watch me dip it low (Watch me, watch me dip it low) If you want it, let me know If you're ready, let me know Just let me be your tropical And watch me whine it up, whine it up (Club keep it moving for you) Yeah, I can be your tropical So watch me whine it up, whine it up (Move your weave like a tropical, ya) (Like a tropical, ya)
Y siempre para ti somos la única Tropical No se Por qué acabaste con esta ilusión Si ahora me estas suplicando perdón Como si a mí no me hiciera el dolor Acuérdate Que te grite no me dejes por Dios Y te propuse negar nuestro amor Por si algún día eso pena te dio También recuerda cuantas veces me olvide de mis principios Y quise ser tu novio aunque tenías otro cariño Perdona si te saco en cara tu fuerte castigo Sé que estarás pensando que yo actúo como un niño No podría olvidarte ni en un siglo Aunque recordarte traiga martirio Sin pensar destrozaste mi alma Y te llevaste mis esperanzas Me pediste que te olvidara No me diste gran importancia A que vienes no entiendo nada Si ya tengo alguien que me ama Me confundes con tus palabras Date cuenta el daño que causas A mi corazón Ya se Que me cambiaste por alguien mayor Profesional en las cosas de amor Porque una amiga te lo aconsejo Nunca espere Que amarte tanto seria mi error Pero que tarde mi alma descubrió Que no se puede querer y querer No sabes que tuve que hacer pa' no pensarte todo el día Y poder entender que tú a mí ya no me querías Mi corazón al sufrimiento no lo conocía Hasta que tu llegaste y acabaste con mi vida No podría olvidarte ni en un siglo Aunque recordarte traiga martirio Sin pensar destrozaste mi alma Y te llevaste mis esperanzas Me pediste que te olvidara No me diste gran importancia A que vienes no entiendo nada Si ya tengo alguien que me ama Me confundes con tus palabras Date cuenta el daño que causas A mi corazón A mi corazón A mi corazón
I thought some time in the sun Would help me get over you But I could tell from day one This is a place meant for two Now here I sit on the beach Watching the tide ebb and flow I booked my room for a week But now I'm ready to go I'm in a tropical depression I've got the blue water blues Can't shake this loving you obsession Can't stand this sand in my shoes This forgetting you vacation Is just a fool's holiday If I can't get over you This tropical depression's gonna blow me away This should be paradise Heaven down by the sea Without you here by my side It feels like hell to me I'm in a tropical depression I've got the blue water blues Can't shake this loving you obsession Can't stand this sand in my shoes This forgetting you vacation Is just a fool's holiday If I can't get over you This tropical depression's gonna blow me away If I can't get over you This tropical depression's Is gonna blow me away
Doug and the Slugs Cognac and Bologna Tropical Rainstorm Two city savages were running from the rain, and Seeking shelter in the bamboo-curtained room Their clothes were drying on the back of wicker chairs While lazing out the afternoon We're nothing more than friends gone seperate ways No longer on parallel lines You've run the reasons for doing what was done I can't deny that they're as good as mine Oh, I remember conversations on my roof So whiskey-fueled they had us howling at the stars While laughing at the dark we finally closed the night As reckless as we closed those bars Oh, I could tell you from the coolness of my room Of bonds broken and repaired Forgotten points we made before passing out Or carried drunkenly down those stairs, and Swept away by a tropical rainstorm on the lower mainland Swept away by a tropical rainstorm on the lower mainland Now in the end you're just some poster on my wall And passing by I can't afford the time that you steal You heard your master call and finally turned to home Back to what you think is real Oh, I heard the small-craft warnings long before they came Oh the gales were blowing for days Clearing the pathway of the branches from the storm I realized that you had made your place Swept away by a tropical rainstorm on the lower mainland Swept away by a tropical rainstorm on the lower mainland
Tropical Macc'n My nigga what's bracking I came out the jungle and made this shit happen I cut the op off he came round the backend Came out the tropics and really be rapping Nigga you lacking I'm really attacking She giving me neck but she gave you a jacket Shout out the tropical niggas who Trapping Tropical Trapping, I'm tropical macc'n Yea nigga im tropical Macc'n Moving with muscle I'm breaking my back in Who would though that this shit would of happened Bunch of young niggas we tropical trapping Woedee would shoot if he saw that you lacking Wanted respect but he came with the capping Tropical niggas they moving with malice Me I just wanna go trap in a palace How many bricks can you fit in the attic Trap out the stop and go get u a Matic I know a Ratchet that move like a bad bitch She bring the money to me automatic Villas and beaches can't take em for granted I woulda loved it if I wasn't damaged Slaughtering niggas no 21 savage Tropical Macc'n it came with the package Yah! I wanna go where the trees be Most of these niggas they look just like me We slide in the streets and we never go easy Buzzing around like a tropical bee I'm breaking My back in I hustle for cheese To get what I need, this shit ain't for free I told you I'm chosen you never believe me Still the same nigga you never could be Tropical Macc'n My nigga what's bracking I came out the jungle and made this shit happen I cut the op off he came round the backend Came out the tropics and really be rapping Nigga you lacking I'm really attacking She giving me neck but she gave you a jacket Shout out the tropical niggas who Trapping Tropical Trapping, I'm tropical macc'n Roming the city, I roam through the city I Know the police will never forget me I'm stacking my 100s and 50s and 20s Fuck nigga fear me, he never get near me I know some real niggas in the cemetery Life in the tropics could really get scary You came from a city where everything merry I'm tropical macc'n, don't ever compare me Hood niggas shoot up your block with a semi Youngest of niggas they coming in heavy They thought I was capping when I said I'm ready But why would I cap if I did it already I'm holding the steel and I'm keeping it steady Niggas be petty, so ima be ready Building a legacy outta few pennies Who can I trust in this world not too many Yah! I'm In the fast lane Met a baddie took ha the bat cave She gon do everything that a Mac say Give a fuck bout a ex, he a past lame Niggas act strange, when the bag came Everybody switch up even family When I turn to Mac she was mad at me She like go head and be what you wanna be Now I be Tropical Macc'n My nigga what's bracking I came out the jungle and made this shit happen I cut the op off he came round the backend Came out the tropics and really be rapping Nigga you lacking I'm really attacking She giving me neck but she gave you a jacket Shout out the tropical niggas who Trapping Tropical Trapping, I'm tropical macc'n
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