Ora No Ichinichi Ringtones

18470 ringtones matching "Ora No Ichinichi". Here you can browse, listen and download Ora No Ichinichi Ringtones for free. Best Ora No Ichinichi Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

気にしないで 人の目なんて 無理しないで 過ごせる時があって また新鮮な気持ちになって また前進で 大きくなって 見えてくる 見えてくる 自分の生き方が 見えてくる 見えてくる 何しよう? とかは無しにしよう 今日はダラダラただ馬鹿な日にしよう 仕事は休み 辛いことは明日に こなすし 過ごす今日はただ楽に 時計の針すら気にしない そんなもんは俺に何も意味しない 外は晴々 俺の為かね ぶらり散歩も行き先あてはねぇ から帰ったら即寝 起きたら夜で 朝まで飲んで 仕事も飛んでも 別にめげずに 自分責めずに 過ごす休日すごく充実 ナマケモノ たわけ者 俺にとっちゃ全部 褒め言葉なの 何もしない日 わりと意外に大事 脱力こそ活力になる 何も無いようでそこにある 幸せな大切な1日が いつもと変わらない日になる 明けて暮れても俺の1日 まず目覚まし余裕で消し 起きる気持ちあるようでなくて二度寝 身も蓋も無いような夜明け 昼過ぎには腹減って目覚め 外が晴れなら寝起きからカレー 覚めた目 冴えた頭で立てる 予定は未定 ならばなんてまた金 握りしめて 向かう先 自転車でパチンコへ あっ きっとね勝ちまくってね 晩御飯は豪勢にね なんて 勝つ気満々に後悔しねぇ 外はいい天気なのに能天気 それが俺的 休日するべき そんな目的 果たす喜び のびのびと休みの日 何も無いようでそこにある 幸せな大切な1日が いつもと変わらない日になる 明けて暮れても俺の1日 昼下がりの 午後の太陽に起こされとどめの目覚ましの音 眠気まなこ こすりそろそろと 起き上がり眺める窓の外 どこ行こう何しよう まずテレビ昼ドラ そのままダラダラワイドショー これでいいの自問自答 暗くなる前 ジムでも行こう 鍛え上げて流す汗やめられない 隣走るハゲたオヤジには負けられない だらしない腹見て仕上げサウナ 鏡の前少しは締まったかな? 外は気持ちいい夜風吹かれ 我慢できない家までお酒どこかで 流した汗だけならなんて 飲んで食って結局朝まで 気にしないで 人の目なんて 無理しないで 過ごせる時があって また新鮮な気持ちになって また前進で 大きくなって 見えてくる 見えてくる 自分の生き方が 見えてくる 見えてくる 何も無いようでそこにある 幸せな大切な1日が いつもと変わらない日になる 明けて暮れても俺の1日 何も無いようでそこにある 幸せな大切な1日が いつもと変わらない日になる 明けて暮れても俺の1日
Like a circle No beginning Can't you show me how to break in? Comfort me with love and tender love X 2 Like a circle No beginning Can't you show me how to break in? Comfort me with love and tender love X 2 Like a circle No beginning X 3 Life goes on Never break it? Like a circle No beginning Life goes on Never break it Like a circle No beginning Can't you show me how to break in? Comfort me with love and tender love X 2
Dicono che è vero che quando si muore poi non ci si vede più Dicono che è vero che ogni grande amore naufraga la sera davanti alla tv Dicono che è vero che ad ogni speranza corrisponde stessa quantità di delusione Dicono che è vero sì ma anche fosse vero non sarebbe giustificazione Per non farlo più, per non farlo più Ora Dicono che è vero che quando si nasce sta già tutto scritto dentro ad uno schema Dicono che è vero che c'è solo un modo per risolvere un problema Dicono che è vero che ad ogni entusiasmo corrisponde stessa quantità di frustrazione Dicono che è vero sì ma anche fosse vero non sarebbe giustificazione Per non farlo più, per non farlo più Ora Non c'è montagna più alta di quella che non scalerò Non c'è scommessa più persa di quella che non giocherò Ora Dicono che è vero che ogni sognatore diventerà cinico invecchiando Dicono che è vero che noi siamo fermi è il panorama che si sta muovendo Dicono che è vero che per ogni slancio tornerà una mortificazione Dicono che è vero sì ma anche fosse vero non sarebbe giustificazione Per non farlo più, per non farlo più, ora Non c'è montagna più alta di quella che non scalerò Non c'è scommessa più persa di quella che non giocherò Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora
Ora che ognuno va Ora che la città Stanca di passi addosso Chiude i portoni e adesso Dorme già Ora che ora è? Tempo di star con te Ora che i miei pensieri Li sento più leggeri Ora che sei Nei sogni miei Ora per me Comincia un'ora in più Un'ora che non c'è In tutto il tempo che sei via tu Come farà La gente che non sa Non sa parlarsi più Emozionarsi più Quanto silenzio c'è Ora che ora è? Ora di te Ora di me Come farà La gente che non ha Qualcuno come te Che si ricorderà ora di me Ora sei qui Sicura come sei La mia certezza tu Per questi giorni miei Quanto silenzio c'è Ora che ora è? Ora di te Ora di me
I was adrift and Caught in the ropes Under a pinhole sky Blowing off course Bleach me to silver Under the moon Pulling the water round And me to you I'm going home I'm going home Won't you come with me? Won't you come with me? You'll be the boat and I'll be the sea Won't you come with me? Won't you come with me?
Ricordo i primi passi in musica e dopo un pò L'esame senza un pianoforte ancora no Mia madre forza che ce la farai Ancora un pò Mi ripeteva non mollare mai Le prime feste con gli amici miei Suoniamo un pò Una canzone poi la scriverò e la canterò Ma i primi dischi alla radio non suonavano Sognavo un santo ed un microfono Ora io sono vivo e adesso canto ancora Con la mia gente sogno e piango ancora In ogni mio concerto volo ancora è sempre primavera Ora Tra le tue braccia vivo e amo ancora Quante emozioni mi regali ancora Sei tu il mio vecchio e nuovo amore ancora è questa la mia storia La prima volta in un teatro ma Non c'eri tu C'era mio padre che piangeva Ora non c'è più Perché la vita da ma prende sempre un po' di più E quel che prende non ritorna mai Ora Io sono vivo e adesso canto ancora Dal palco tra le luci cerco ancora I vostri occhi nei miei occhi ancora Che sono un brivido alla schiena Ora ho tanta voglia di sentirvi ancora Gridare il nome mio più forte ancora Cantare le canzoni mie a memoria Tra un bacio nuovo e una parola E chi mi odia io non odierò Nemmeno un pò Odiare è un sentimento che non ho Certo lo sò Posso piacere poco oppure no Ma se non sai Un uomo tu non giudicarlo mai Ora Voglio sentire che ci siete ancora Per non svegliarmi dal mio sogno ancora Voglio il calore di un abbraccio ancora Per continuare la mia storia Ora A chi mi ha dato gioia pane e cuore Gli dico grazie con questa canzone La dedico a voi tutti con amore E a me che ho scritto musica e parole
Quando si spegne un sentimento Mi sento come un vuoto dentro Pensare che ti ho amata tanto e che per te ho pianto Non riesco più a rispondermi Sento che vorrei scappare da te Ma ho paura che potresti fare qualche cosa che Che non si può più rimediare Ti accorgerai che non hai perso niente Ma solo un uomo egoista e prepotente Che pensa solo a sé stesso e al sesso No, non dimenticherò Tutto quello che abbiamo fatto insieme, però ora vai Perché, perché se no Mi viene voglia di stringerti, scusami, lo so Quanto male ti fa E non entriamo nei particolari No, non parliamo delle donne che ho avuto mentre tu dormivi Ma ora non pensare che tu mi facevi mancare qualcosa Tu sei stato il primo vero amore Che non potrò mai dimenticare Lo so che non mi credi e piangi No, e come potrei Mentirti adesso che ti ho detto tutto e poi Chissà, chissà se ci riuscirò Un giorno a vederti con qualcuno sorridere No, questo no, amore mio no, amore mio E tu, e tu resterai Il pensiero più bello delle notti in cui io, no No, io non troverò L'ispirazione per una canzone che riaccenderà i ricordi tra noi Tu non scordarti mai di noi Ora vai Ora vai Ora vai Ora vai
Ora basta Ora dimmelo Cosa resta Dei miei lividi Sono stanca Di rincorrerti Tra i silenzi e le immagini Che parlano per te Neanche una parola A giustificare il male che mi fai Neanche una parola A tradire l'emozione che hai Come vorrei unire i nostri battiti Colmare le distanze come nei miracoli E trovarti più vicino a me Come vorrei unire i nostri battiti Vedere la scintilla nei tuoi occhi lucidi E ricominciare E lasciare andare Ora che so Ora lo so Che come saprei amarti io Nessuno saprebbe mai Nessuno saprebbe mai Ora basta Ora ascoltami Devo dirtelo Che sono al limite Non importa Se non sai perché A me importa che ti chiedi Cosa senti dentro te Neanche una parola A giustificare il male che mi fai Neanche una parola A tradire l'emozione che hai Come vorrei unire i nostri battiti Colmare le distanze come nei miracoli E trovarti più vicino a me Come vorrei unire i nostri battiti Vedere la scintilla nei tuoi occhi lucidi E ricominciare E lasciare andare Ora che so Ora lo so Che come saprei amarti io Nessuno saprebbe mai Nessuno saprebbe mai Mai Nessuno mai Nessuno mai Mai nessuno, mai Nessuno mai, nessuno mai Nessuno mai Mai, mai, mai, mai, mai, mai, mai Nessuno mai Ora basta
There were a lot of tears I had to cry through A lot of battles left me battered and bruised And I was shattered, had my heart ripped in two I was broken, I was broken There were a lot of times I stumbled and crashed When I was on the edge, down to my last chance So many times when I was so convinced that I was over, I was over But I had to fall yeah To rise above it all I'm grateful for the storm Made me appreciate the sun I'm grateful for the wrong ones Made me appreciate the right ones I'm grateful for the pain For everything that made me break I'm thankful for all my scars 'Cause they only make my heart Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful Grateful I was sinking, I was drowning in doubt The weight all of the pain was weighing me down Pulled it together and I pulled myself out Learned a lesson, learned a lesson That there's a lot you gotta go through, hell yes But that's what got me strong, I got no regrets And I've got only love, got no bitterness Count my blessings, count my blessings, yeah I'm proud of every tear, yeah 'Cause they got me here I'm grateful for the storm Made me appreciate the sun I'm grateful for the wrong ones Made me appreciate the right ones I'm grateful for the pain For everything that made me break I'm thankful for all my scars 'Cause they only make my heart Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful Grateful There is nothing I would change That even one mistake I made I got lost, found myself, found my way I'm grateful for the storm Made me appreciate the sun I'm grateful for the wrong ones Made me appreciate the right ones I'm grateful for the pain For everything that made me break I'm thankful for all my scars 'Cause they only make my heart Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful, oh Grateful You know that I'm grateful You know that I care No time for the wrong ones I'll always be there Grateful Woah (grateful, grateful, grateful) I'm grateful, oh yeah (grateful, grateful) Oh, I'm grateful, yeah
I could have beer for breakfast My sanity for lunch Trying to get over how bad I want you so much Innocence for dinner Pour something in my cup Anything and everything just to fill me up But nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you Nothing could kill me like you do You're going straight to my head And I'm heading straight for the edge I pick my poison and it's you (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) I pick my poison and it's you (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) I can feel your whisper And laying on the floor I try to stop, but I keep on coming back for more I'm a lightweight, and I know it 'Cause after the first time I was falling, falling down But nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you Nothing could kill me like you do You're going straight to my head And I'm heading straight for the edge I pick my poison and it's you (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) I pick my poison and it's you (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) Oh, oh, yeah Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in Falling deep, I can't sleep tonight (tonight) And you make me feel like I'm out of my mind (mind) But it's alright, it's alright, it's alright Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in (it's alright, it's alright) Falling deep, I can't sleep tonight (It's alright, it's alright) And you make me feel like I'm out of my mind (mind) Oh, but it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, yeah, yeah Nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) Nothing could kill me like you do You're going straight to my head (I'm going) And I'm heading straight for the edge (I'm heading straight for the edge) I pick my poison and it's you (and it's you) (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) (Oh, and it's you, oh, yeah) I pick my poison and it's you (and it's you) (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) Yeah, oh (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) Yeah, oh (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) I pick my poison and it's you
Dormi, quando dormi tu almeno mi sogni Io ti sogno da giorni e non posso Più restare da sola nel letto Sai, mi ci perdo spesso Se dividessi la notte con me Dieci metri da terra, io e te Panorama di stelle, colora il cielo adesso Non so mai resisterti un attimo Parco giochi, perderò un battito Portami su, voglio di più ancora Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora Non so mai resisterti un attimo Cuore a cuore, sento il tuo battito Portami su, voglio di più ancora Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora Scaldi piano senza bruciare Sole in terra, occhi di mare Mentimi più volte, amo prеndermi in giro Voglio darti tanto, amo troppo il destino E se dividеssi la notte con me Dieci metri da terra, io e te Panorama di stelle, colora il cielo adesso Non so mai resisterti un attimo Parco giochi, perderò un battito Portami su, voglio di più ancora Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora Non so mai resisterti un attimo Cuore a cuore, sento il tuo battito Portami su, voglio di più ancora Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora Scatterò una foto per salvare i ricordi Ti capisco in fretta anche se tu non mi parli Io e te, siamo io e te Se ci sei tu, respiro un'altra ora
Palms to the sky We unite I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight (Hey, hey, take a look at you) (Hey, hey, take a look at you) I'm checking you out in your sweet desire I'm coming over to make you mine It's a crime, boy, you're so fine I'm checking you out, boy it's a green light I'm glad you came over, it was about time It feels right, boy, you're so fine This club's radioactive Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat This club's radioactive Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat Palms to the sky You and I I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight Palms to the sky We unite I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight Moving on me as the world ends This nuclear heat is a beautiful air You might not live to tell This club's radioactive Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat This club's radioactive Drop the bomb, let me feel the beat Palms to the sky You and I I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight Palms to the sky We unite I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight (Hey, hey, take a look at you) Palms to the sky You, you, you, you and I Palms to the sky You, you, you, you and I Palms to the sky You, you, you, you and I We rise tonight Palms to the sky You and I I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight Palms to the sky We unite I'm feeling, I'm feeling it, feel, feeling it We rise tonight We unite You and I are right tonight We unite You and I are right tonight We unite You and I are right tonight You and I are right tonight
Yeah, okay, senti È una giungla con i serpenti Vedo l'odio dentro ai commenti Ma resto in piedi e penso per sempre contro corrente, e se Penso a quando ho detto: "Basta, non lo faccio mai più Le parole della gente, sai, mi stanno uccidendo" Ma un amico disse: "Prendi il treno adesso o mai più Diventare qualcuno è solo questione di tempo" Tutti allenatori esperti quando gioca l'Italia Tutti medici affermati con un virus nell'aria Tutti giudici di corte quando qualcuno sbaglia Mi fatе venire l'ansia, sembrate della finanza Sembrate solo falliti, sembrate un branco di capre Ma siete come i bambini, dai bravi, non litigate Sono stanco perché parlano tanto Ma non hanno la minima idea di cosa ho passato Fermati e pensa che non c'è verso Piacere a tutti è un po' come fare jackpot Può capitarti solo una volta E se lo fai, vedrai, la gente ti odia Quindi io me ne fotto Gioco, voglio il tetto del mondo e mordo O ce la faccio o muoio solo Sto perdendo il controllo Se mi guardi negli occhi, eh Vedi il mostro che ho dentro e mi Tiene sveglio le notti, eh Grida: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più" Giorni sempre più corti, eh Ho bisogno di tempo, ma Non ricordo mai i sogni, eh Penso: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più" Il treno passa una volta e mai più Ma se lo perdi la vita continua, è forza di volontà In questo mondo salvati da solo, niente ti salva Guardo il tempo che passa, la mia vita che cambia E voglio solamente dare un senso a tutta la rabbia Se di strada ne ho fatta è perché ho usato la testa Mentre gli altri stavano ubriachi alle feste Non è culo, non è fortuna Ora o mai più, il tempo vola come una piuma Voglio scrivere il mio futuro nel mio presente Non ho pensieri nel passato, non conta niente Se mi guardi negli occhi, eh Vedi il mostro che ho dentro e mi Tiene sveglio le notti, eh Grida: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più" Giorni sempre più corti, eh Ho bisogno di tempo, ma Non ricordo mai i sogni, eh Penso: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più" Se mi guardi negli occhi, eh Vedi il mostro che ho dentro e mi Tiene sveglio le notti, eh Grida: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più" Giorni sempre più corti, eh Ho bisogno di tempo, ma Non ricordo mai i sogni, eh Penso: "Ora o mai più, ora o mai più"
No, no, no, no, no love All I wanted was you I don't want another night of tryna find Another you, another rock bottom I don't wanna wear another mini dress To impress a potential problem I don't wanna spend the night at someone's place To fill the space that you used to walk in I don't want another number in my phone Someone to hold at three in the morning I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah I don't want somebody brand new I only want you, I only want you, yeah Guess I had to leave, had to leave, had to leave ya Just to need, just to need ya I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah I know I'm the one who ruined everything And made you think that it was all your fault And I know that sorry's only just a word And when it hurts, it isn't that simple But I know that if you look me in the eyes You can't deny that we're something different And I know I'm going looking for your kiss On someone's lips to know that I miss ya I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah I don't want somebody brand new I only want you, I only want you, yeah Guess I had to leave, had to leave, had to leave ya Just to need, just to need ya I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah I don't want another night of tryna find Another you, another rock bottom I don't wanna wear another mini dress To impress a potential problem I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah I don't want somebody brand new I only want you, I only want you, yeah Guess I had to leave, had to leave, had to leave ya Just to need, just to need ya I don't want somebody like you I only want you, I only want you, yeah
And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party, and party I stumble up to the window Opened the curtains to blinding lights Make up all over the pillow What went on? What went on? What went on last night? You look so sweet while you're dreaming (yeah) Holding your bottle of Tanqueray (yeah) It isn't even the weekend Baby, that's how I know you're the one for me I wanna party and bullshit (how we do) And party and bullshit And party and bullshit (how we do) And party, and party 'Cause when the sun sets, baby On the avenue I get that drunk sex feeling Yeah, when I'm with you So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do We got that sweet, hot loving Dancing in the dark Out in the streets, we're running Shut down every bar So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do Hungover, I think I'm broken You say the fix is a shot of Jack I said, "Man, what are you smokin'?" But alright, pour a glass, and we'll throw 'em back I wanna party and bullshit (how we do) And party and bullshit And party and bullshit (how we do) And party, and party 'Cause when the sun sets, baby On the avenue I get that drunk sex feeling Yeah, when I'm with you So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do We got that sweet, hot loving Dancing in the dark Out in the streets, we're running Shut down every bar So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party, and party I wanna party and bullshit (how we do) And party and bullshit And party and bullshit (how we do) And party, and party 'Cause when the sun sets, baby On the avenue I get that drunk sex feeling Yeah, when I'm with you So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do We got that sweet hot loving Dancing in the dark Out in the streets we're running Shut down every bar So put your arms around me, baby We're tearing up the town 'Cause that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do How we do, that's just how we do And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party and bullshit And party and party
Midnight by a fire on the beach At the end of my best friend's street In the woods hiding behind the tree It was love, at least I thought it was After school in the parking lot At a party after taking some shots In the place where we might get caught It was love, or something from above I never thought I could feel the way that it used to feel, yeah Until you proved me wrong You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no giving up You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no quittin' ya Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Let me get high on ya Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Let me get high on ya At the mall in the dressing room On the dock, lying under the moon Backseat of your mom's Malibu It was love, at least I thought it was I never thought I could feel the way that it used to feel, yeah Until you proved me wrong You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no giving up You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no quittin' ya Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Let me get high on ya Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Let me get high on ya After school in the parking lot At a party after taking some shots In the place where we might get caught It was love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no giving up You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like the first time high, my love You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh But this time, no quttin' ya Yeah, yeah, yeah Let me get high on ya La-la-la, la-la-la La-la-la-la, yeah, yeah Let me get high on ya
Hello, hi, goodbye (so I'm sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye (sayin') Imagine the future of you and me Seems good and then you leave The pain in this prison killin' me Reality is, we will never be I'm prone to a love travesty And this feels like another tragedy And the truth really is We're too young to understand love's demands Love express will take you up five flights And let you go, then crash No replyin' from the ash We'll just be burning up after that I'll hate you or you'll hate me or I'll take you or you'll break me or And now I'm scared 'cause I've been there Stuck in this prison, no optimism And now it's Hello, hi, goodbye My heart has no room for love (so I'm sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye My heart fell, no getting up (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye Any other time, I'd be yours (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye But that thing in me is gone I know you wish somehow I could explain I'm still numb from the pain And I don't wanna know your name Please get up and walk away I don't wanna fall in love again Don't wanna start anything that could end I know you think you can get through to me But I'm on lock in love's penitentiary I already know how this goes Lay it down, broken, heart broke I'll hate you or you'll hate me or I'll take you or you'll break me or And now I'm scared 'cause I've been there Stuck in this prison, no optimism And now it's Hello, hi, goodbye My heart has no room for love (so I'm sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye My heart fell, no getting up (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye Any other time, I'd be yours (sayin') Hello, hi, goodbye But that thing in me is gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone, it's gone, it's gone, it's gone It's gone
C'mon I could have beer for breakfast, my sanity for lunch Tryin' to get over how bad I want you so much Innocence for dinner, pour somethin' in my cup Anything and everything just to fill me up Nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you, yeah Nothing can kill me like you do, no You're goin' straight to my head And I'm headin' straight for the edge I pick my poison and it's you, yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh You, yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh I can feel your whisper and layin' on the floor I tried to stop, but I keep on comin' back for more I'm a light weight and I know it 'Cause after the first time I was fallin', fallin' Nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you Nothing can kill me like you do, no You're goin' straight to my head Oh, I'm headin' straight for the edge I pick my poison and it's you Yea, yea, oh-oh-oh-oh I pick my poison and it's you, yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in Fallin' deep, I can't sleep tonight Oh, and you make me feel like I'm out of my mind But it's alright, it's alright, it's alright Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in Fallin' deep, I can't sleep tonight Oh, and you make me feel like I'm out of my mind But it's alright, it's alright Nothing ever gets me high like this I pick my poison and it's you, yeah Nothing can kill me like you do, no You're goin' straight to my head, ohh I'm headin' straight for the edge I pick my poison and it's you, oh, yes it's you Oh-oh-oh-oh I pick my poison and it's you Oh and it's you I said, "It's you" Yeah, yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh Yeah, yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh I pick my poison and it's you
Time flies by when the night is young Daylight shines on an unexposed location, location Bloodshot eyes lookin' for the sun Paradise we live it, and we call it a vacation, vacation You're painting me a dream that I Wanna belong in, wanna belong in Over the hills and far away A million miles from L.A. Just anywhere away with you I know we've got to get away Someplace where no one knows our name We'll find the start to something new Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere Anywhere away with you Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere Anywhere away with you Truth comes out when we're blacking out Looking for connection in a crowd of empty faces, empty faces Your secrets are the only thing I'm craving now The good, and the bad, and the end 'Cause I can take it, I can take it You're painting me a dream that I Wanna belong in, wanna belong in Over the hills and far away A million miles from L.A. Just anywhere away with you I know we've got to get away Someplace where no one knows our name We'll find the start to something new Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere Anywhere away with you Just take me anywhere, take me anywhere Anywhere away with you, oh
Bang bang, look what you started Bang bang, straight through my heart It skips a beat, you feel like trouble You showed up and made me wonder Looking fun but kinda dangerous too, yeah I can lift it off the ground I don't know what you've done but it's just too good, ah Ooh, you've got something, think I want it 'Cause I never felt the way that I do When I'm with you, you Oh, it's so hard to see through you And that's why I want it Bang bang, look what you started Bang bang, straight through heart It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble Bang bang, baby, I've got it Bad, bad, look what you started Oh, my god think I'm in trouble (oh, yeah) See what's the core of our connection? Is it just that I know I'm bound to lose? Oh, yeah Ooh, see you're a fire, my obsession And want all of your devotion for good, yeah Oh, you got something, think I want it 'Cause I never felt the way that I do When I'm with you, you Oh, it's so hard to see through you And that's why I want it Bang bang, look what you started Bang bang, straight through heart It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble (oh) Bang bang, baby, I've got it Bad, bad, look what you started Oh, my god think I'm in trouble Oh, oh, yeah Oh, oh, yeah Oh Bang bang, look what you started Bang bang, straight through heart It skipped a beat, you feel like trouble (you feel like trouble) Bang bang, baby, I've got it Bad, bad, look what you started Oh, my god think I'm in trouble
It's been seven long years fighting for your attention Manipulated by fear and misdirection Wrapped in your ugly chains, swore you'd rise me to heaven Brought me nothing but pain, was that your intention? Damn frustrating that you think I could never make it Look who's standing right in front of you Yes, it's me, what you doing? Did you think you would see me ruined? After all the shit that I've been through I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose Ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, Oh-oh Gonna see your mistake, get it out in the open Yeah, if you wanna play, let's get this rolling Damn frustrating that you think I could never make it Look who's standing right in front of you Yes, it's me, what you doing? Did you think you would see me ruined? After all the shit that I've been through I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh Oh, oh, oh (Ooh) Oh, oh, oh (Ooh) Damn frustrated that you think I could never make it Look who's standing right in front of you Cause I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire I started with nothing, I've got nothing to lose I'm a soul survivor, I made it through the fire
Ώρα μοναξιάς και κάτι θα σου φέρω την αγάπη Μια αγάπη δίχως ρίσκο στης πανσέληνού το δίσκο Μια αγάπη που 'χει σπίτι το δικό σου τον πλανήτη Όμως ό, τι σε πληγώνει η ψυχή σου αποθεώνει Τον παράδεισο δεν έχω αλλά σου 'χω μια αγάπη που δεν είναι σαν τις άλλες ψέμα και οφθαλμαπάτη Τον παράδεισο δεν έχω αλλά σου 'χω ΤΗΝ ΑΓΑΠΗ κι αν μ' αυτά που θες... δε μοιάζει πέταξέ την... δεν πειράζει Ώρα μοναξιάς και κάτι θα σου φέρω την αγάπη Μια αγάπη απ' το στόμα απ' τ' αστέρια απ' το χώμα Μια αγάπη από μένα με τα μάτια αναμμένα Για να δεις και ν' αποφεύγεις της αγάπες που διαλέγεις Τον παράδεισο δεν έχω αλλά σου 'χω μια αγάπη που δεν είναι σαν τις άλλες ψέμα και οφθαλμαπάτη Τον παράδεισο δεν έχω αλλά σου 'χω ΤΗΝ ΑΓΑΠΗ κι αν μ' αυτά που θες... δε μοιάζει πέταξέ την... δεν πειράζει
Lintang ing wengi Ngelingke ati iki Kowe sing paling sak tresnani Tapi sayangku ora mbok hargai Senajan loro Ati iki wes nerimo Mergo aku sing kudu rumongso Aku ora mbok karepno Yen sayang kowe aku salah Cobo tak lalekne Sesandhinganku ro kowe Lungo, pancen wes kudu lungo Gusti kulo nyuwun paringono Ati jembar, jembar ko segoro Mergo tresno marai sengsoro Ati ikhlas kudu nerimo lan legowo Senajan loro Ati iki wes nerimo Mergo aku sing kudu rumongso Aku ora mbok karepno Yen sayang kowe aku salah Cobo tak lalekne Sesandhinganku ro kowe Lungo, pancen wes kudu lungo Gusti kulo nyuwun paringono Ati jembar, jembar ko segoro Mergo tresno marai sengsoro Ati ikhlas kudu nerimo lan legowo Kabeh cen ra iso di lalekke Tapi carane mung siji ngikhlaske Mugo ndang cepet oleh gantine Mergo takdir jodoh wes ono garise Hoo-oo Gusti kulo nyuwun paringono Ati jembar, jembar ko segoro Mergo tresno marai sengsoro Ati ikhlas kudu nerimo lan legowo Mergo tresno marai sengsoro Ati ikhlas kudu nerimo lan legowo
Sono il rigore maledetto del novantaquattro Da Baggio a Fabio è sempre un sogno che ti spinge a farlo Non importa se sbaglio, ci ho messo sempre il cuore Sono il dottore che a Laguna Seca passa Stoner Sono l'angoscia del momento in cui ti giochi un anno Sono la rabbia di chi ha perso senza meritarlo Ho perso e non ho pianto Ho vinto e dopo ho pianto Io sono Andriy Shevchenko ad Istanbul che esce dal campo Io sono quello che ha lasciato e dopo è ritornato Io sono Dio che avanza e ha l'ultimo possesso in mano Arresto e sospensione Magia in mondovisione Io sono la leggenda di cui tutti sanno il nome Io sono l'uomo che gareggia per la sua nazione Io sono l'uomo che festeggia con la sua nazione Io sono il vento nuovo che mostra l'orgoglio Io sono l'eroe dei cento in nove e cinquantotto io Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi Io sono il grido di Ronaldo che rompe il ginocchio Sono lo stesso col mondiale al cielo l'anno dopo Ti ho insegnato a non mollare se si cade Io sono il nonno che racconta i pugni di Muhammad Sono colui che segna un'epoca col gol di mano Io sono le proteste di chi è stato eliminato Sono la finale che poi cambierà il destino Io sono dentro la prodezza che mi rende vivo io Sono il Brasile in lutto nel Maracanazo Sono chi ha perso di un millesimo e ti ha festeggiato Sono il bambino che vive la vita come un gioco Sono la gioia di chi sente l'inno sopra un podio Sono dolore intenso il giorno del ritiro Io sono il suono degli applausi di chi è fiero del suo mito Ho dato sempre tanto Per te avrei dato troppo Io sono Marco Simoncelli che ha commosso il mondo io Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi Leggenda ora sei re Io sarò lì per voi Combatto anche per te Festeggeremo noi Oppure piangeremo Ma lo faremo insieme Siamo leggenda che tramanderemo ai figli poi
We're already past temptation We've already crossed that line And, baby, when you saw me naked I've never felt more alive Love's a risky bid, play me like roulette Don't think with your head, yeah I don't ask for much, just all of your love Baby, don't think twice, na-na One second can change your life, na-na Trust the way you feel tonight, na-na Heaven is a shot in the dark, so shoot with your heart And don't think twice, na-na One second can change your life, na-na Trust the way you feel tonight, na-na Heaven is a shot in the dark, so shoot with your heart Don't think twice Am I drunk or am I dreamin'? (Am I dreamin'?) 'Cause, babe, I've never seen this clear (before) This could be your best investment (best investment) If you just stay right here Love's a risky bid (hey, yeah), play me like roulette (hey, yeah) Don't think with your head (no, no, no, no), yeah I don't ask for much (hey, yeah), just all of your love (hey, yeah) Baby, don't think twice, na-na One second can change your life, na-na Trust the way you feel tonight, na-na Heaven is a shot in the dark, so shoot with your heart And don't think twice You better love Come to me, ooh Ooh, yeah Shoot for the stars, shoot for your heart And aim for love Love's a risky bid, play me like roulette (and love somebody) Don't think with your head, don't think with your head (you better love somebody) Love's a risky bid, play me like roulette Don't think with your head Baby, don't think twice, na-na One second can change your life, na-na Trust the way you feel tonight, na-na Heaven is a shot in the dark, so shoot with your heart And don't think twice
Ooh, ooh See, it's not that I don't trust you I just wanna know every place that you go, everyone that you know Everything that you do, every single move you make And I ain't tryna play the victim But I got my suspicions Say you're alone, I can hear on the phone Someone else in the back What she doing? What she asking? What you gonna do when the sun goes down? Who you gonna love when I'm not around? If you find a new look now Would you kick the old one out? If you find a new look now Would you kick the old one out? If you find a new look now See, it's not that I'm a psycho We both know it isn't my fault You were the one who was out having fun I've been out on my grind, I've been working all the time, yeah And I ain't tryna play the victim But I got my suspicions Say you're alone, but if you ain't alone You should say to me now I ain't gonna stick around, say What you gonna do when the sun goes down? Who you gonna love when I'm not around? If you find a new look now Would you kick the old one out? If you find a new look now Would you kick the old one out? If you find a new look now, right now, right now If you find a new look now, right now, right now If you find a new look now Ooh, yeah, yeah If you want Oh, if you want What you gonna do when the sun goes down? Who you gonna love when I'm not around? If you find a new look now (Yeah, yeah) Would you kick the old one out? (Yeah, yeah) If you find a new look now Would you kick the old one out? If you find a new look now, right now, right now If you find a new look now, right now, right now If you find a new look now
Black days No headlights on the freeway (Fuck) everything and run, run, run It's just a shot away So blurry Why is everybody worried? 'Cause I'm just having fun, fun, fun There's nothing wrong with me, ayo You look like you'd be heaven for a night Make me wanna die, it's a hell of a... You look like money, money, dollar signs My ticket to the ride It's a hell of a life It's a hell of a life (Ayo, ayo, ayo) It's a hell of a life Dreamer Or maybe I'm a make-believer Or a fighter in a stone cold war Against the colour grey It gets heavy Tryna take it slow and steady Oh, I can't use a quick fix, a hit There's nothing wrong with me, ayo You look like you'd be heaven for a night Make me wanna die, it's a hell of a... You look like money, money, dollar signs My ticket to the ride It's a hell of a life It's a hell of a life (Ayo, ayo, ayo) (Ayo, ayo, ayo) It's a hell of a life Naked and unafraid Washing it all away Come pick me up (Oh, what you waiting for?) Burning another day Wasted and feeling great Come get me now (Oh, what you waiting for?) You look like you'd be heaven for a night (For a night) Make me wanna die, it's a hell of a... You look like money, money, dollar signs My ticket to the ride It's a hell of a life It's a hell of a life (Ayo, ayo, ayo) (You know, you know yeah) (Ayo, ayo, ayo) It's a hell of a life (Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum) It's a hell of a life (Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum) (Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum) (Ayo) It's a hell of a life It's a hell of a life
Ora che sei grande Ora che tu sai Ora che conosci Chi sei e che cosa vuoi Ora che i tuoi occhi Guardano all'unisono Ora che le gambe tue Non tremano più Ora che le labbra tue Mi feriscono Ora che sai scegliere E non scegli me Ora che sei libera Di prendere fiato Ora che somigli a me Prima di conoscerti Ora che il tuo cuore Batte solitario Ora che se guardi me Non ti manca il fiato Ora che sei forte E che non cadi più Ora che ti basti Solamente tu Ora che le mani tue Mi tradiscono Ora che puoi scegliere E non scegli me Ora che si libera Di prendere fiato Ora che somigli a me Prima di conoscerti Ora che i tuoi giorni fanno rima con altrove Ora che puoi credere E non credi a me Ora che sei libera Di prendere fiato Ora che somigli a me Prima di conoscerti Ora che il tuo cuore Batte solitario Ora che se guardi me Non ti manca il fiato Ora che sei grande
Lekkie pióro to przejąłem po matce Po ojcu zakola i ten dziwny akcent (akcent) To wszystko co mi zostało po nim Nie nazywam go tatą, bo dla mnie to anonim, ej Całe życie musiałem udowadniać Byłem trudnym dzieckiem, wozili po poradniach Ganiała nas policja, coś jakby berek Jestem jedynakiem, rozrabiałem za czterech (czterech) Niech się uda choć jednemu z Raszyna Łatwiej tu skończyć, ciężej zaczynać Sumienia i ulice tak samo brudne Dziewczyny tak łatwe jak popłynąć z pudrem Ta niepłodna Ziemia spłodziła artystę Pamiętam skąd jestem, nie ważne gdzie występ Póki nie wygram, nie zejdę z placu Ora Et Labora - módl się i pracuj Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, ej Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, ej Ludzie mają ciężko tam skąd pochodzę Z biżuterii to noszą bransoletki na nodze Ja nie piszę zwrotek, ja piszę przemówienia I mają być najlepsze, bo klauzula sumienia (o) Nie dzwoń do mnie po numer do dilera Na odwyku już byłem, drugi raz się nie wybieram (nie, nie) Teksty powstaną, gdy do nich usiądę I zrobią rozpierdol, chociaż cenię porządek (ta) Ja się spełniam i to ich tak wkurwia (co?) Tak chujowy, że przebierał w wytwórniach Nie tobie oceniać to czy dobrze trafiłem Chciałbym cofnąć czas i wybrać SB Maffiję To było nam pisane, tam na górze od dawna wiedzieli kim zostanę (o) To było nam pisane, tam na górze od dawna wiedzieli kim zostanę Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, ej Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, Ora Et Labora, ej
Crazy girl Crazy girl Crazy girl Crazy girl Oh I see you watchin' I see you wantin' it And now I'm testin' you With every chance I get I'm igniting you Explosion Can't deny the Compulsion Get ready, get set On your runway jet Get up on me, grind me faster Tell me, baby, what you want Lovin' how I throw this body Know you wanna give me some Careful baby I am nothing like them other girls I'll eat you up Boy I'm a crazy girl The kinda girl you might not wanna take to see your momma Boy I am a crazy girl If you fall for me prepare for a little drama So you say you're ready For a love that's so extreme You want it, soon you will see I'm a crazy girl I'm love's anti-matter, Destroyer Gotta work for this Employer Got you racing Anticipating What you wanna do to me I'm a big risk, a bigger reward But can you handle what you beggin' me for Get up on me, grind me faster Tell me, baby, what you want Lovin' how I throw this body Know you wanna give me some Careful baby I am nothing like them other girls I'll eat you up Boy I'm a crazy girl The kinda girl you might not wanna take to see your momma Boy I am a crazy girl If you fall for me prepare for a little drama So you say you're ready For a love that's so extreme You want it, soon you will see I'm a crazy girl Boy I'm a crazy girl The kinda girl you might not wanna take to see your momma Boy I am a crazy girl If you fall for me prepare for a little drama So you say you're ready For a love that's so extreme You want it, soon you will see I'm a crazy girl
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha) Excuse me, can we talk? (Can we talk?) No swearing, no insults (no insults) Look at all the mess we made To get to where the both of us say These big words, "I am sorry" 'Cause right now we got barricades, wall to wall We used to live and love, and now the barricades cover it all We used to be in love and I will not allow for us to go down in fire We're gonna tear down all these barricades before we fall And lose it all Excuse me for shaking (for shaking) I'm angry and breaking (and breaking) And I can see it in your face The fire we control is blazing These big words we're losing 'Cause right now we got barricades, wall to wall We used to live and love, and now the barricades cover it all, ah We used to be in love and I will not allow for us to go down in fire We're gonna tear down all these barricades before we fall And right now we got barricades (barricades) Wall to wall (wall to wall) We used to live and love and now the barricades (barricades) Cover it all (cover it all) We used to be in love and I will not allow for us to go down in fire We're gonna tear down all these barricades (barricades) Wall to wall (before we fall) Right now we got barricades, wall to wall (ah) We used to live and love, and now the barricades cover it all
And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Naive notions that were childish And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Naive notions that were childish And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Naive notions that were childish And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening Naive notions that were childish And starlight filled the evening And starlight filled the evening
Darling please Come back home [x2] Come back home 'Cause I can't stand it Darling please Come back home 'Cause I can't stand it I just can't stand it [X2] Come back home [x5] 'Cause I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home [x4] I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please Come back home I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home Come back home 'Cause I can't stand it Darling please Come back home 'Cause I can't stand it I just can't stand it [X2] Come back home [x4] I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please Come back home I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home [x4] I can't stand it I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please Come back home I just can't stand it Come back home Darling please Come back home I can't stand it I just can't stand it
We will be free We will be free We will be free We will be free We will be free
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