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T.I.H.K. (feat. Novel Fergus & PetPetShawn) - Geniuz F the FUTURE

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如果你有hater係你用實力惹嘅禍 我企喺高位等你等你一齊向前望 我想每日有粵語歌係蘭桂坊到播 Boom bap trap 情歌 百花齊放 睇到好抑壓 搵渠道抒發 冇時間逐個去擊殺 你相我未點到但通緝令即畫 定期清理垃圾喺rapper嘅職責 你講到咁hip hop不如學數節拍 接納 原來灰有50度但你淨喺睇到黑白 喺要搵位入 講經 講佛 講到個個怕羞怕柒 邊班喺局內人邊班柒撚懵懵盡在不言中 當負能量成風再妄想香港hip hop會突然成功 天賦得物無所用皆因八面樹敵 要等班撚樣老咗先發覺自己喺時代阻力 原諒班老細接受能力非一般 2021繼續爭論autotune 你口中嗰班垃圾喺未雕琢嘅玉器 換個講法喺人哋做自己得罪你 聽日會好天講咗廿年天公仍然不做美 選擇報憂不報喜shout out to所有mc 有被討厭嘅勇氣 你想要韻腳我咪寫比你聽聽 唔撚洗gang gang 用歌詞令到你驚驚 隨便噠個手指黎幫你end game 煩撚夠未一套準則勒着幾百萬條頸 醒醒 習撚慣自欺 你潛意識自卑 所以咪zip位抬高翻自己 taste吊尾 聽歌但變咗游辭海服撚哂你班撚樣嘅口味 呢首歌煮比你for填鴨韻腳 請highlight片皮 聽講話天外有天咁我喺天上僭建 賤人千篇一律嘅片面之言對挑骨要堅持 懶係追求完美 根本拉住所有人踏步原地 幫你寫個傳記 好未 想有人睇得起 請你學識謙卑 最撚中意睇人死 作個網名走出嚟算係老幾 唔止有暴君同宦官 仲有一大班自私 批判嘅刁民將呢度變成戰地 唔闖禍點叫青春你想我向你徵詢乜鳩 同你口頭競選有乜意義 鍵盤孕育細佬加契字 冇見你交作品 稍為做實事 一堆口犬組合擬聲字 表達到你想表達再同我講 快嘴多押韻就靚flow 講flow 我flow你老 綜藝節目睇上腦 老撚土 我啲嘢你未夠班get到 繼續喺到數 三押四押 九唔撚搭八 我對眼 反白 反拍 一坦白就反殺你 咪阻住個圈子發芽 要圍爐就自己搵返個partner 集體好清高咁奚落一個人 佢哋嘅興趣喺日以繼夜令受害者難堪 咁嘅風氣推到極致世界上都好難搵 冇跟你想法活着喺我榮幸 唔喺你鍾意打乒乓踢波嘅就喺老襯 喺你冇用心睇真嗰啲rapper打緊第幾年工 養音樂 唔講你點會知 仲口講支持 玩分化搞事 披着hip hop嘅皮 玩緊八婆辦公室政治
近來發呆甚煽動 有時我疑慮放空 得手階磚 這生存泉源 極樂與死牢極化兩端 萬人夢熱潮悸動 浪潮帶人良善變凶 過氣了都什麼世紀 出格無阻口碑 企踩條base line 怯到匿埋無可厚非 我情願踏實步步如願 愉快地凌亂 夠不到精心設計與精算 我想要得什麼種什麼發至肺腑 用不上平庸旁人來說穿 但站著亦氣焰 活著亦紀念 越拒絕讒言 越發放到你浪漫滿天 為戒見證個某個步向路障 箇中深谷那個迷 胡同猜不透嘅迷題 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 直接提神 提防力有不逮 本命属大將 如質疑請表演你單手拍響 苦盡我哋早已將作品推往奢侈品門檻 立品牌形象 甘來是坐享觀眾席倍數增長 憑我本事 得來物不易 生於貧至透徹 致富定律是八二 高帽你恨笠 但我嫌戴 浮誇服裝你執一套 我重點放銀戒 謾議已顯成人為災 超前的人活似炭上蜆 有口難開 矛盾是口沒遮攔我死性難改 鯊群未能活動怎樣帶氧海水流腮 吹灰不費 心中有劍 不哼聲低調活在食物鏈頂端 人前輸出的驚艷是設計者鋪張 草食動物輸猛獸 猛獸輸火槍 礦石不切割好讓你估價 越是少軍演越屬先進國家 短淺眼光怕籮底橙跌 魚屍體鹽批量醃 嗱 專業是貢獻產業 雲起風湧靜靜品馬嬲搣 有益嘅我索性買一篋 新嘅冇益嘅人將音樂抽掉思想難怪會說是噪音 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 (未列) 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 (入紙稿 擰 刨筆 美工刀試留痕) (填每首永續金曲每首當時流行) 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 (入盒綁繩 尾結) 直接提神 提防力有不逮 裝不出的低調系 口水不多懂曉故世 (Yack 房 練仙) 勿論你肺腑裡污穢 我脈絡壞性未能耐住耐性 (心對半開 一片一遍) 未列入名單共患互利互惠 當不到的低調系 信靠事在人為 手風不差可惜輸給偏章 醒一巴刮得要響 直接提神 提防力有不逮
要諗要儲要比 生活費我眼淚兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排鐵打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖 寒窗溫故知新 賽馬會投資顧問 中純萬唔要爛腳 紅底橫掉要轉着 撈月摸東我拆卡窿睇吓邊個出沖先 大管又拜堂口又拜關聖爺你幫邊邊 娶個問題新抱一個攞煲蓋改一個揸刀 晏晝落場焗住鋪塊紙皮港產片再返煲 講幾次唔明就算 你知佢份人係串 勞工處派人嚟勸 算啦算啦 同一條村 皆因啲道友呢家仲緊火 細個就已經見慣見熟 美沙酮診所嗰頭問你借廿蚊 見到就知係騙局 角落中推紙皮陰公 佢自己捱緊嘅貧窮 周圍就係駁落嘅檐篷 以前返學坐車成地針筒 係家下身無分文 板間房冇人去跟進 夜麻麻 陰陰沉沉 以前晚晚望住雷生春 等我搵到表弟 就快到通州街橋底 Everything I don't like 冇嘢做嘅就落龍威 生活費 我眼涙兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排跌打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖
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要諗要儲要比 生活費我眼淚兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排鐵打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖 寒窗溫故知新 賽馬會投資顧問 中純萬唔要爛腳 紅底橫掉要轉着 撈月摸東我拆卡窿睇吓邊個出沖先 大管又拜堂口又拜關聖爺你幫邊邊 娶個問題新抱一個攞煲蓋改一個揸刀 晏晝落場焗住鋪塊紙皮港產片再返煲 講幾次唔明就算 你知佢份人係串 勞工處派人嚟勸 算啦算啦 同一條村 皆因啲道友呢家仲緊火 細個就已經見慣見熟 美沙酮診所嗰頭問你借廿蚊 見到就知係騙局 角落中推紙皮陰公 佢自己捱緊嘅貧窮 周圍就係駁落嘅檐篷 以前返學坐車成地針筒 係家下身無分文 板間房冇人去跟進 夜麻麻 陰陰沉沉 以前晚晚望住雷生春 等我搵到表弟 就快到通州街橋底 Everything I don't like 冇嘢做嘅就落龍威 生活費 我眼涙兩行 歪帽龜 一條街逗兩鑊 唔係小康之家 冇錢睇私家 貧窮線以下 汝州街排跌打 天光墟 低胸企街一堆 麻甩佬追 平均5 60歲 有南亞裔 問我要唔要貨 公園坐一堆 紅黃黑 陀地拖
808 Mafia Fuck around, parked the 'Vette and didn't even get back in it ATL Jacob, ATL Jacob Redbone bitch, yeah, like Hi-Tech, yeah How do I dress? Yeah, like my flesh, yeah Soon as I roll up, put my doors up Go'n head, pour up, roll a few O's up, let's go Four by four, that tall shit, let's go I jumped in the spot on a tall bitch, let's go I told 'em to get out and bag that, let's go I'm Frank Lucas and Mad Max, let's go I'm high from yesterday Put 'em on bean, yeah, put 'em on all the schemes, yeah Put 'em on lean, yeah, they whippin' them new machines, yeah By any means, yeah, we gotta clear out the scene, yeah I just took an AK to a dinner date I just put some VVs in a Richard face And the presidential is a day-date Hit 'em with that chopper first, Ray J I'm a well known nuisance and my bitch bad Pop one Perc', then you lean like kickstand Skeleton AP, that's a wristband All these niggas shaky, might as well dance I don't trust him, we gon' dust him, that's some Taliban Big foreign truck, it's lift up like an avalanche I'll teach you how to finesse for some big bands I got so many white bitches, Ku Klux Klan I come with the pharmacy, come with the yopper, no harmin' me, no, no Put a lil' hit on your head, They comin' to get you, they slicin' your throat Put a lil' bitch in the bed, we goin' digital, wipin' her nose M.O.H., money over hoes I got that H in front of the lil' boat Got dog food and it's for the low I'm with thoroughbred standin' at the store In expensive threads, head to the floor I know they talkin' shit 'cause they some hoes You know them FN bullets go through doors F&N (F&N), F&N (F&N) F&-F&-F&-F&— F&-F&N (F&N) F&N (F&N), F&N (F&N) F&N (F&N) I was too high for the brodie You beat a body, get a Rollie We don't entertain no police I'm certified with my dodie They would catch hell 'bout woadie Got a bigger scale for the dodie I done met friends in Dolce We done met and chopped it up on some cool shit, uh Only time my slime talk murder's on the cruise ships, uh Got that cutter and it's longer than a pool stick, uh Straight face, no dates, I'm a heavyweight I ain't even gotta tell my dawgs to keep one in the chamber Ready to take it off your shoulder, frustration and anger Yeah, they get it, don't approach us, fuck bein' famous Long as I got my... Let's go F&N (F&N), F&N (F&N) These bullets, they be goin' through doors Drop low, get down on the floor Young nigga, they gon' 'head and wipe your nose F&N (F&N), F&N (F&N) F&N (F&N), F&N (F&N) F&N (F&), F&N (F&N) F&N (F&), F&N (F&N)
想問供到啦層樓 個社會喺咪有保證 地鐵站B-boy Security兩邊都粗口嘴型 經過天真爛漫陀螺加BB彈 入學見面禮喺比古惑仔當傻仔玩 日頭突擊測驗喺將進酒嘅典故 夜晚學識乜嘢叫做老表邊班叔父 耳機循環LMF用粗口講嘅道理 揸緊中指我有把尺齋覆桌唔撩皮 而秘密講比社工知 社工當喺人情派 所以call我一定出就當喺打隻人情牌 喺街區碌上岸幸運兒有幾多 有啲撈起左正行有啲仲喺入邊坐 陸續結婚創業送花籃送果盤 地盤收工執銅賣 老細Audi最新款 著件西裝領呔 瀨屎褲加條鏈 到底邊個卓越邊個比較識裝門面 而我啲歌一直派 命我自己改 運 一直眷顧 唔中個瓣唔開 俾支mic我玩 一晚 我玩到聲沙 啤酒樽轉中我揀 冒險同時講真話 得嘅未必有人追 唔得嘅總會有人撲 金融城市美其外 文化當花生剝個殼 太多漫無目的鳩游 痞公園痞到臭 寫字樓 唔濕手 大水喉 派人頭 想學外圍波啲老闆輸幾廿粒當跌 出事匿喺私竇教腳帶隻水鬼黑鋼撇 財仔叫學生五金舖開兩呎鐵 見到差佬暗着袋咪俾佢周到包嘢跌 要醒爬 蝕桌就免埋牙 得失少個襯家 埋堆捱少兩扒 Hip Hop啲講嘢真實咪兩嘢變卦 文化締造我大個締造文化 植根於地下 喺地下 紮根 依然 奢望 可以 上樓 你怕 有事發生 以前 好多嘢講 所以 掉轉槍頭 凌晨 兩點九 仲未瞓 閃過 自殺嘅念頭 條路想點走 被困 巔坡 命運 嘅變奏 冇學壞到 冇飲大到 學喺街度 要避Five-O 身邊幾多個 博大霧 幾多個 High到 索壞腦 家徒四壁 嘅記憶 猶新 每晚就咁 冇床瞓 有幾多 個睇死我 冇理過 我通通都冇當真 邊個比邊個暗算 癲過幾千個恩怨 七國咁亂 點解唔diss back咁串 淨係生存 啲問題趑趄咁轉 踎喺深水埗 聚賭 戴勞力士 即使 價值最低 等你去到 有日 江湖救急 隨手執 黑水鬼 想學外圍波啲老闆輸幾廿粒當跌 出事匿喺私竇教腳帶隻水鬼黑鋼撇 財仔叫學生五金舖開兩呎鐵 見到差佬暗着袋咪俾佢周到包嘢跌 要醒爬 蝕桌就免埋牙 得失少個襯家 埋堆捱少兩扒 Hip Hop啲講嘢真實咪兩嘢變卦 文化締造我大個締造文化 植根於地下
Yeah! This that '63 AMG Ghost music It's that Ace of Spade, girl and it's toast music Nigga let's toast to it DJ Khaled! We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby And you better bring your whole crew We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby Yes any time you want to Boss 305 on my plates, a nigga still sellin' weight Still tippin' them scales, I'm Ross, fit in the Wraith They want too much for the taxes, I got my money in walls I got all the bitches, nigga I got all the sauce No reason I should lose, the leaders of the new Got on a couple chains, toy bands and tennis shoes Got on my Vacheron, Belaire, my bottles come Talkin' menage a trois, shawty let's have some fun Bellas at Wimbledon, hell of a gentleman There is no bigger boss, sip slow, this cinnamon I'm talkin' numbers, nigga, I've never fumbled, nigga Standin' on a ball ballin' and I do it when I want it, nigga We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby And you better bring your whole crew We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby Yes, any time you want to 4Hunnid! 4Hunnid, Hunnid! Young nigga, young nigga, got a gun, right nigga Painted all the rivers red, this blood shit stuck with him Hustle hard, hustle hard, bad bitches, fuck 'em all Businessman, businessman, always tryna cut the costs That's photos, that's more dough Maybachs for everybody, nigga, squad goals Flex on 'em, they're like, "Uh oh!" Entourage, entourage, pullin' up in four 4-doors West coast, that's my shit, 4Hunnid, that's my clique Last nigga that beat the pussy up, well, um, that's my bitch I don't give no fucks, I don't give no fucks 40 bands, just blew in the club, oh well, nigga, so what? We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby And you better bring your whole crew We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby Yes any time you want to Aces comin' by the 12 pack, young nigga in a Hellcat GPS on the pack, tell the plug they can mail that Tell the plug they can mail that, young nigga, I'ma sell that Mouth closed, I'll never talk, won't say a word and went to jail that Sauce drippin', I'll fuck 'em up, .40 on me 'til I cough it up Big Gotti, I'm bossin' up, if it's not a hunnid it don't cost enough Tearin' clubs up like Three Six I be tearin' plugs up, that's that street shit I be fuckin' boss bitches, they don't need shit Tell me, where my boss bitches who don't need shit? Yeah, these diamonds, not rhinestones Trap jumpin', yeah the line long All this money got my mind gone All this money got my mind gone We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby And you better bring your whole crew We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby We just gon' fuck up the club, baby, fuck up the club, baby Yes any time you want to

Set T.I.H.K. (feat. Novel Fergus & PetPetShawn) ringtone on an Android Phone:

1. Select Download Ringtone button above.
2. Go to Settings app.
3. Select Sounds & Vibration.
4. Select Phone ringtone.
5. Select Ringtone from Internal Storage.
6. Click the Apply button.
So after only a few basic steps, you have successfully done the default ringtone on your phone running Android operating system with the pop songs you want.

Set T.I.H.K. (feat. Novel Fergus & PetPetShawn) ringtone for your iPhone:

1. Select Download M4R for iPhone button above and save to your PC or Mac.
2. Connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac via its charging cable.
3. Launch iTunes and drag the .m4r to the Tones folder (Under "On My Device").
Hopefully, the guides for configuring ringtones for iPhones and Android phones will make it simple for you to replace the uninteresting default sounds on your phone with your own personal favorites.

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