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命 (feat. Polar G, ZODI) - PetPetShawn

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命 (feat. Polar G, ZODI) - song lyrics

每人都手握願望 每人都有刻絕望
每日都 進一步 退一步 每一局 我一路 賞心悅目
過程中 憫世入局 內容中 憤世嫉俗
敗絮其中 看歲月中 天時不如地利 無心逐鹿

畀啲咩風格 俾社會沖刷 畀幾多糟塌 失了蹤
諗幾多方法 闖幾多方格 上幾多裝甲 不會衝
真實者寡言 虛偽者多辯 喺傷口灑鹽 人心不可見
巧語且花言 現實太多變 地利不如人和 一瞬空

酒精喺血液裡 抑壓透過神經滲透眼眸裡
錯過咗繼續去 激發看破曾經迷失冷漠裡
披星戴月在不言中 目標太遠咪向前衝
你覺得太悶 我過得快活 人生苦短玩還玩留意時鐘


對得住天 我不惜一切挨得苦
事過境遷 每一將功成萬骨枯

不斷冥頑 不願平凡 執念深似海
一段呢喃 不斷循環 將人心切開
本末 倒置 太勤奮被當係病
當然 諷刺 你人生被當係命

跌低再起翻身 我要全部嘅兄弟都帶緊真嘅金
不斷咁去攀登 所以睇到我傷口會永遠都係新
結果要先去種因 哪有金身會一生不惹塵
模仿到我嘅flow 但你模仿唔到係我嘅人

老虎都不怕山高 我酒香驚閪你巷子深
帶多把過山刀 遇幾多嘅假意都彷似真
樹大會招風嘅道理真 順手去斬草再除埋根
保證我刀下會不留人 膽小嘅寸步都會難行

行到最頭既捱到最後 我對手只會贏經驗
隨波逐流嘅只會退後 我懶去折腰執臭錢
山要攀頭我只往高走 我人無兩度再少年
摩四太鳩屎係專屬嘅命格 我從來未聽過人勸言


對得住天 我不惜一切挨得苦
事過境遷 每一將功成萬骨枯

不斷冥頑 不願平凡 執念深似海
一段呢喃 不斷循環 將人心切開
本末 倒置 太勤奮被當係病
當然 諷刺 你人生被當係命

城市夜夜人叫雞 喺鄉村朝朝雞叫人
從我細個鐘意高調威 到發現社會愛低調人
成功靠先知先覺攀 失敗者後知後覺挽
開始於不知不覺間 東流遠去全不覺眼

挫折換營養 失敗換成長
屋企係城牆 兄弟係纓槍
人心係月亮 交替嘅面相

窮算命 富燒香 求心安 平安符 長跟身 種生基 羅生門 惹紛爭 就好比 召庸醫 治昏君 賭五行

靠自己抑或信奉神 搵命博定係搵替身
古來稀只為過日晨 一樣米養緊百樣人

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太多都係講緊大話 我哋寫緊真嘅事 你淨係食過大麻咪撚寫啲扮 gang 嘅歌詞 全部都只係假貨所以我連睇都費撚事 有邊個敢嚟辣著 M4 你老母勸你咪撚試 你啲貨就上錯架你只係俾人去逗過下 我一早受撚過靶 十五歲第一打 我七份案底冇得假仲厚過你身家 去分下咩係真話 我同你身價有分差 啲口靚倞多 睇清楚係邊個牌頭邊個朵 去開頭波 我哋一直代表 M4 賣 gang 貨 聽住我冇得去熄火有太多人想識我 你見到 M4 經過路嘅顛簸喺山坡開火散貨 我生活唔係你過我用命嚟換鈔票 小朋友咪太高調 淘寶手槍假金錶 我懶得燒埋啲廢柴 我哋省靚 M4 嘅招牌 柒頭頂多係山寨同我收埋喬裝嘅幫派 摩四青年行岀嚟我哋係唯一真嘅 gang 你鳩毛都未岀齊未曾揸過一把真嘅青 洗個面去醒一醒你上個電再聽一聽 打俾你個濕鳩 friend 佢可能知道我個名 (我把酒當歌) 我同我嘅兄弟過 (我就算單拖) 照樣岀產精製貨 一把劍用十年磨我試過幾年入面坐 摩四青年一定啱嘅即使你哋冇人錯 只怪喺屋村長大嘅我哋根本冇得揀 踢波嘈交響朵擸架撐 打佢冚家剷 係呢度要自保跟大佬有咩事佢都攬 出去蒲先知道搲着數只係家常便飯 我條路要由我自己發跡自由去創造 亦從來冇要求對上字頭幹部 其實我已經收斂咗就咪撚逼我再撻朵 我哋每個夠響夠獎都是頭藏敖 你話我識人多想搵我幫拖幫手做交收 最後揸條爛數但我估唔到你會咁撚狗 識咗咁多年上枱話要我留低隻左手 依家睇下邊個先最兜踎 邊個皮已收 邊個係真心撚 有咩風先係真新聞 我親身經歷緊被出賣我堅係真心憫 我一早更新緊前路去營造一個新身份 若果你仲想挑起紛爭咁 搵個地方等 摩四青年行岀嚟我哋係唯一真嘅 gang 你鳩毛都未岀齊未曾揸過一把真嘅青 洗個面去醒一醒你上個電再聽一聽 打俾你個濕鳩 friend 佢可能知道我個名 (我把酒當歌) 我同我嘅兄弟過 (我就算單拖) 照樣岀產精製貨 一把劍用十年磨我試過幾年入面坐 摩四青年一定啱嘅即使你哋冇人錯
失戀啊聴 摩四青年啦 躝街啊聽 摩四青年啦 撩交打搵 摩四青年吓 政治性罪名 摩四青年㗎 有咩唔講得你留返 摩四青年講 講你唔爽嘅喂攞嚟 摩四青年爽 諗你唔諗嘅喂擺低 摩四青年諗 敢你唔敢嘅就好似 摩四青年咁 名利心膨脹阻 摩四青年咩 最撚爆嘅診所係 摩四青年咧 情理心萎縮同 摩四青年bye 真正共產嘅信仰 摩四青年yup 雙眼都睇得夠清 因為我企得夠高 實力你攞埋嚟秤 我又要贏多一鋪 點解我帶住Gold chain 襯翻我摩四嘅flow 唔得閒聽你講經 我哋要財大氣粗 將你唔開心講出嚟俾我哋摩四青年爽 有咩唔講得咁你咪留俾我摩四青年講 你哋smoke weed後樓梯 我哋每晚酒店房 摩四炸爆你樓底你真心話留拜山講 銀紙我攞岀嚟數 條命我攞埋嚟賭 摩四係做嘢離譜 叫你老母 幫你祈禱 實力嘅差距你想像唔到 無聊嘅邀請我選擇唔到 可以守規矩但我哋唔做 唔係懶清高係睇你唔到 對住我哋 只會慘敗 你條路我哋玩哂 新嘅職位 幫你安排 我遞腳你嚟挽鞋 冇得比 本身係名牌你哋機 一個人挑晒 摩四青年係幫派 摩四青年係幫派
Uh-huh, yeah G Herbo, "Humble Beast", man 150 dream team, 150 Roc Block, bitch 79th, Essex N- talking all this gangsta s- It's real gangsta - over there When I was up on 78th, you was scared straight Before Roc died and Gilly caught that fed case Remember Roc died, every morning shots fired You was never in them trenches, you was dead weight Never end up reminiscing, watch your homie hemorrhage Even though you want to kill 'em, never play them Always came up with the blueprint, never had to listen I had a bunch of detentions, too many pink slips turned to suspensions Now I just walked in the car lot Holding my pink slips, rocking Givenchy If I had my life on the line I'd take the shot but I'm not a Nowitzki Chi real hot like a shot of the whiskey If I'm not ducking, how could you miss me? Glued to the blicky, keep my -with me I get the back end, still I get back, in the back of the truck If the club try to frisk me I get so high just like I'm a hippy Back in the '60s, Percs got me trippy I did two thirties, I'm off a sixty I'm in a Range Rover Sport on the road Tryna lose control, no I'm not Missy I quit the drank, and I do not miss it Won't even pour it up when I'm not busy I'm on a mission, I'm always busy, counting up benji's Tryin' get some more, some more bread Look at my cars right now, I got for-show bread Lil -, Lindsay, he got the Lohan I put the work in like I got four hands And I got love for a few Respect for a couple n- But ain't no fear in my heart for no man Woo! Woo! Keep my sword on me like Conan Before the rap, I swear I was poor man Now my cribs and s- gotta door man N- stay hating like "Herbo a ho man" "How yo gon' show man? Whatchu gon' blow, then?" "I heard he toting his pipe everyday and he shot some before" "What, you knew him before then?" I heard he the realest, and he be with killers They sound like gorillas, and ride 4 wheelers They waving them 30s and yellin' "No Limit!" If you ain't with it then - mind your business Got bulletproof vests, just like armadillos I'm on the corner, with nothin' but dealers Clinching a .40 when I'm on the block Water whippin' my wrist when I'm under the ceiling Guess I'm a hypocrite, 'fore I got shot We was sending 'em out, give a f- 'bout they feelings And when I got shot, I was back on the block With my crutch and my Glock, give a f- 'bout the healing From the start of the day to the finish we was drillin' Guess we was mentally illing Couldn't even stop, we allergic to chillin' Had to wake up and think like a villain (han) Now my whole thought process different Wake up and think bout a million Sometimes I don't talk I just listen Can't never be nothin' I ain't missin' Some s- you just learn on your own I taught myself how to not go to prison They want us to be all alone They tryin' divide us off in divisions Tryin' divide us by our decisions Take advantage of our kindness so that's why I'm vicious I seen ballers rise and fall that's why I'm ambitious Locked in shackles or they gone, most of all my n- Pour out all my liquor
Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 舊橋全部要 ban 走 新意一路繼續 on Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 水就只向低處走 我人永遠往高處望 (太狂) 全部真實歌詞就係太狂 (太忙) 無謂應酬因為我哋太忙 (太狼) 我嘅兄弟做嘢一向太狼 (大床) 銀紙全部鋪喺我張大床 我嘅兄弟多 多到數唔曬 我嘅車手做緊嘢你要就打嚟嗌 我嘅兄弟太撚多 全部攞緊上等精製貨 你哋扮緊大富翁我哋卡片用嚟界 M4 部署緊大生意食大茶飯絕對和味 我張卡片要寫新字有啲兄弟仲係和記 我嘅歌太過受爭議就擺明唔撚係和理 樹大自然會招風我哋生財唔使靠和氣 三條友 落車就做嘢去片佢老母閪 無埞走 線都踩撚好我兄弟埋好位 戴定手 套無留指紋避樓上啲老閉 扯翻口 純嘅鎮靜劑再打俾個老細 Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 舊橋全部要 ban 走 新意一路繼續 on Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 水就只向低處走 我人永遠往高處望 (太狂) 全部真實歌詞就係太狂 (太忙) 無謂應酬因為我哋太忙 (太狼) 我嘅兄弟做嘢一向太狼 (大床) 銀紙全部鋪喺我張大床 我喺街度大 啲 gang 貨隨手攞嚟賣 客仔打嚟買 我散貨保證散得快 銀行户口唔擺錢 係因為黑嘅鈔 M4 gang 係最好揪 我講緊真打交 成倉都係 gang 貨 咁耐驚都未驚過 你哋寫緊歌詞我就寫緊成長嘅經過 同一個社會 但係同你唔同一種色 早幾日 反黑打嚟約我差館拎保釋 我嘅兄弟會知道我宜家撈緊邊一瓣 有啲嘢係真嘅真 假嘅根本冇得扮 試過每日洗幾萬 試過著草跑過山 你哋嘅夢想係我嘅眼中我當係興趣玩 Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 舊橋全部要 ban 走 新意一路繼續 on Gang 貨全部收喺倉 摩四代表新治安 水就只向低處走 我人永遠往高處望 (太狂) 全部真實歌詞就係太狂 (太忙) 無謂應酬因為我哋太忙 (太狼) 我嘅兄弟做嘢一向太狼 (大床) 銀紙全部鋪喺我張大床
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Set 命 (feat. Polar G, ZODI) ringtone on an Android Phone:

1. Select Download Ringtone button above.
2. Go to Settings app.
3. Select Sounds & Vibration.
4. Select Phone ringtone.
5. Select Ringtone from Internal Storage.
6. Click the Apply button.
So after only a few basic steps, you have successfully done the default ringtone on your phone running Android operating system with the pop songs you want.

Set 命 (feat. Polar G, ZODI) ringtone for your iPhone:

1. Select Download M4R for iPhone button above and save to your PC or Mac.
2. Connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac via its charging cable.
3. Launch iTunes and drag the .m4r to the Tones folder (Under "On My Device").
Hopefully, the guides for configuring ringtones for iPhones and Android phones will make it simple for you to replace the uninteresting default sounds on your phone with your own personal favorites.

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